Monday, February 14, 2011

U.S. media: China earthquake in the face of the rapid action.

United States, "Christian Science Monitor," May 13 article, the original question: in the quake zone, China, Monday, the quick action of the earthquake as the death toll rising, China has sent its troops involved in disaster relief efforts - which reflects Beijing is .gradually and efficient disaster relief as a top priority. .<P> Geological Survey in Edinburgh, a geologist by Roger • Rasmussen said China is obviously well prepared for such actions, "they can quickly organize disaster relief." </ P> <P> a .A military spokesman said more than 6,000 police officers in the post-earthquake operations command, was sent to disaster areas. .Premier Wen Jiabao in less than two hours after the earthquake, the time flew to Chengdu immediately, he told reporters that the government has asked government officials to the earthquake at all levels of the first line, led the people to rescue. .</ P> <P> Professor of Public Administration, Tsinghua University in Beijing, said Lan Xue, China's annual typhoon has made the government to establish an effective disaster relief organization. ."A lot of progress is the disaster relief." Xue Lan said, "Despite the intensity of typhoons in recent years has been increasing, but the death toll has been on the decline. The Chinese better than in the past, and than other developing countries .do better. "</ P> <P> When Monday after the earthquake, local officials have the right to cross the normal reporting procedures, reporting directly to the highest level of government, the Chinese People's University professor of public policy administration, said Mao Shoulong. .</ P> <P> addition to thousands of soldiers and police officers were dispatched to the epicenter Wenchuan County outside the cities from the east coast of the emergency medical team was dispatched to the quake-hit areas. .Shows the government out of their rapid response. .</ P>.

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