Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Association of Caribbean States called on the United States end the economic sanctions against Cuba

The 4th ACS Summit on 29 October in Panama City, Panama, adopted by the General Assembly called on the United States Declaration of termination on Cuba's economy, trade and financial embargo imposed by the United States.

Declaration that the Association of Caribbean States support the sovereignty, territorial integrity and non-interference in the principle that each State has the right to peace, stability and fair manner to establish their own political system, and therefore hope that the United States Government to end its embargo of Cuba.

By participating in this Summit of ACS 25 Member States representatives jointly signed by the Panama Declaration also stated that the Association of Caribbean States will work to promote the reconstruction of Haiti; actively supports the United Nations agencies in the Caribbean region implemented addressing poverty and disease control programmes; opposes the transport of nuclear materials and toxic waste ship through the Caribbean; and, through international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking, etc.

The 4th ACS Summit on 28 August night in Panama City, two oceans Conference Centre opening, including Panama, seven heads of State attended the opening ceremony. The meeting focused on regional poverty, transport, tourism and the prevention of natural disasters, and other topics.

ACS was founded in 1994 and currently has 25 Member States, three associated countries and 18 observers.

Boeing Airbus Middle East, two points were 2.9 billion 9.7 billion large single.

Hillary Wall Street fund-raising campaign.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, a group of powerful Wall Street bankers, private equity and hedge fund managers, industry executives as Hillary Clinton has organized a fund-raising activities, Warren Buffett .will serve as special guests. .The fund-raising event was organized on the occasion, the relationship between Wall Street and Washington are at a delicate moment, the U.S. Congress is considering to revise the tax bill, you may hit the private equity and hedge fund managers. .</ P> <P> It also shows the financial community dignitaries and the United States the complex relationship between the presidential candidates. .Although Buffett is the most dazzling figures before, but he did not support Hillary, he said, Hillary Clinton and Illinois Senator Barack Obama can become an outstanding president. .</ P> <P> Morgan Stanley Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Mack ─ ─ also the long-term supporter of the Republican candidate ─ ─ dinner one of the organizers of today, but is not expected to attend. .Activities will be divided into two parts. .First, about 50 guests and Hillary Clinton and Buffett's "intimate" dinner, the guests paid $ 4,600 per person - the planners say, this is the maximum amount permitted activities. .Then, more donor contributions will be poured into the smaller of the Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan, listening to Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York and the world's second richest man Warren Buffett's speech. .</ P> <P> </ P>.

You may miss the Golden Week International News.

<P> China supports Sudan in Darfur, $ 300,000,000 for payment </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Barney • Jopson (Barney Jopson) Nairobi reported </ P> <P> 2007 years 10 .3 April </ P> <P> is visiting Sudan, former U.S. President Jimmy • Carter (Jimmy Carter) that the Government of the Sudan's Darfur region have committed to pay 300 million U.S. dollars compensation, of which 2 billion will come .Loans from China. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> China's support for the U.S. financial companies in operation </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Jeremy • Grant (Jeremy Grant) Washington </ P> .<P> 2007 年 10 月 3 日 </ P> <P> group of American and Chinese business people established the first joint from the United States and all U.S. financial services company. .</ P> <P> joint venture company called Sino-American Capital Limited (HuaMei Capital Company), headquartered in Chicago and Beijing, highlights the central and western regions of China and the U.S. companies increasingly closely linked. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> unsafe goods reached the highest level ever </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Nicky • Tate (Nikki Tait) in London </ P .> <P> 2007 年 10 月 1 日 </ P> <P> in the entire European Union, is now a daily average of more than 20 dangerous product announcements - about half of them involving Chinese-made goods. .</ P> <P> UK Lovells (Lovells) for an analysis of the EU data shows that notice of dangerous products to the highest level ever, compared with the average level in 2006 increased by 43%. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> Schneider China imposed a fine of $ 45,000,000 </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Ya Mier • On behalf of the Lini (Jamil Anderlini) reports from Beijing </ P .> <P> 2007 年 9 月 30 日 </ P> <P> a Chinese court has ordered the French Schneider Electric (Schneider Electric) Private Enterprises in China Chint Group to pay $ 45,000,000 in compensation for patent infringement, this is the intellectual property cases .the largest amount involved in the case. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> North and South Korea promised to end the war </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Anna • Fifield (Anna Fifield), Seoul, Daniel • Dombey (Daniel Dombey) .Washington </ P> <P> 2007 年 10 月 4 日 </ P> <P> despite reservations about the U.S. government, but the leaders of North and South Korea have agreed commitment to the Korean War never ended 1950-53, .They signed the "North-South Relations, Peace and Prosperity Declaration" to enhance the bilateral economic and cultural ties. .The breadth of the scope of the Universal Declaration of surprise. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> Japan's lunar probe enters lunar orbit </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" Jonathan • Soble (Jonathan Soble) Tokyo reported </ P .> <P> 2007 年 10 月 5 日 </ P> <P> Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency said Japan's first lunar probe satellite has successfully entered lunar orbit. .Space race around the world today is getting worse, the United States, China and India also have lunar exploration program, but the Japanese catch in the front of these countries. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> Taiwan's military strength will be displayed </ P> <P> British "Financial Times" I Jialin (Kathrin Hille) in Taipei reported </ P> <P> 2007 年 10 月.the 4th </ P> <P> in this year's "Double Ten" (October 10) festivals, Taiwan will hold its first military parade in 16 years the ceremony, to the intense presidential campaign in the next year before the increase of people .patriotism. .</ P>.

U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates again intensified "hot money" into China into a trend?.

<P> 29.30 local time, the Fed held the first time in 2008 monetary policy meeting. .Market expectations the Fed will cut rates further at this meeting. .22 emergency conference call on the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates 75 basis points in U.S. interest rates have led to an "upside down" phenomenon. .Domestic and foreign institutions economists interviewed said that this will make the interest rate differential between China and further expansion will also make the "hot money" has become a trend, which will form the central bank sets monetary policy challenges. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Citibank China chief economist, Shen Ming high expectations this summer, the U.S. federal funds rate from the current 3.5% to 2? 2.5%, which means .The Fed in the first half and 100? room to cut interest rates 150 basis points. ."At that time, not just a one-year deposit rates appear 'upside down', inter-bank lending interest rates will appear 'upside down'. This will encourage more foreign investors to hold the RMB assets, also increased the pressure on RMB appreciation. ."</ P> <P> for" hot money "into China's problems, Shen Ming high that this trend does exist. ."The current problem is that the Fed rate cut, the next European Central Bank, Bank of England, Bank of Canada cut interest rates and other measures may also be taken, the liquidity of the market will be more and more. Inflow of some capital investment may be relatively safe .emerging markets, including China. and China the problem of liquidity is likely to deteriorate further, asset prices, inflation and other pressures. "</ P> <P> Wang Qing, chief China economist at Morgan Stanley, said, .spread "Upside Down" make "hot money" flowing into China will be more intense, but because of the implementation of capital controls in China, so the interest rate differential "upside down" before and after the inflow of "hot money" amount and will not change much. .</ P> <P> Shen Ming high that, from the perspective of foreign trade surplus, capital inflows into China may reduce, but from the perspective of foreign direct investment, capital inflows into China are likely to increase the speed. .In addition, unbalanced regional development, have made limited "hot money" has become more difficult. .</ P> <P> In fact, there are no publicly available data show that how much "hot money" into China. .Shen Ming Gao pointed out that in our country under the control of capital, even if there are "hot money" into China will become "cold money." .On the one hand, "hot money" out of China's costs are higher. .On the other hand, "hot money" into and out of China may realize more difficult, so do the long-term investment in the mainland going to do. ."The real danger is that, if a sudden one day the Chinese capital opened a lot of 'cold money' may be sudden outflows, which is very unfavorable exchange rate stability. 'Hot money' real risk may not now, and in the future, which .the reform of the capital account, higher demands. "Shen said Gao. .</ P>.

Pour cold water on Soros: The U.S. economic troubles may only just begun.

At the White House and Wall Street executives have issued optimistic outlook on the financial markets evaluation of the occasion, renowned investor George Soros has come out publicly, "throwing cold water." .7 in Washington for the Council on Foreign Relations organized an activity, Soros said that although the most difficult times of financial crisis is over, the U.S. economy because of the pains of the crisis and felt only "just begun." .Soros warned about <P> also shows that, despite the financial market like <! - ADV_CONTENT -> almost have been from the volatility in the last few months has stabilized, but specific to the overall economy, the subprime crisis "after-effects ."may last a long time. .The deepest understanding of this pain may be the consumers, which is precisely the support of the United States the biggest driver of sustained economic growth. .<P> Impact on the economy just beginning to <P> Soros said the financial crisis of the "emergency period" basically finished, but the impact on the U.S. economy is only just starting to show. .He pointed out that the U.S. authorities at all costs to prevent the collapse of the financial system, provide liquidity to the market and taken a number of unprecedented initiatives. .Such efforts to reassure the market, I believe the financial system will not collapse. .<P> However, Soros emphasized that the current global financial system has suffered damage, "will inevitably impact the real economy," and that "such an impact is just beginning to show, because there is a certain time lag." <P> Cable .Ross also said that if the Fed continues to cut interest rates, the dollar will certainly face further pressure. .U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates again April 30 25 basis points from last year, the seventh rate cut since September. .Soros said that if the authorities consider to stop at 2% interest rate level, will give U.S. a "breathing" space. .<P> At the same time, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Daiwei Mai McCormick said in Beijing on the afternoon of 8 May, falling house prices, the subprime mortgage crisis, rising oil prices combined with the three forces, leading to the U.S. economy is now .still in the declining stage. .<P> He said that in 2008 and 2009 the housing market is still not very optimistic about the U.S. economy that has caused tremendous stress. .Talking about the subprime crisis, McCormick pointed out that U.S. financial institutions have acknowledged their debt crisis in the sub-losses. .Speaking on the last McCormick stressed commodity prices, rising oil prices, not only on the U.S. economy, but also the Chinese economy have caused a huge impact. .<P> McCormick said that the three factors contributed to the U.S. economy is still in the declining stage. .However, we can expect in the second half of 2008, the U.S. economy started to recover, to the first half of 2009, the U.S. economy began to see a better situation. .Into a consumer crunch <P> <P> Soros said the biggest risk, by cooling the property market and house prices affect consumer spending to change the existing model, that restraint over-consumption, increase savings, but this adjustment will take time. .He said that despite the current U.S. credit card debt is still increasing, but consumers will inevitably have to tighten their belts, and this process is only just beginning. .<P> For two thirds of the growth came from consumer spending in the U.S. economy, the consumer crunch will undoubtedly greatly limits the economic recovery. .In the first quarter, the U.S. economy grew by only 0.6%. .<P> Concerned about shrinking consumer spending is not Soros one. .Merrill Lynch CEO Thain said this week, despite the impact of the credit crisis in financial markets is about to end, but the U.S. consumer slowdown in the banking industry still faces problems. .With the decline in consumer spending, U.S. commercial banks in the consumer credit field, the next step may be facing huge problems. .<P> From a civil investigation of the situation, the same can not be optimistic about the prospects for consumer spending. .Recently the U.S. Federal Reserve's quarterly senior lending officer survey showed a general tightening of credit, in almost all types of loans, banks have in raising lending standards, which means consumers and businesses more and more difficult access to finance. .This is in the U.S. economy accounts for a large proportion of consumer spending in terms of activity or corporate profits, are not good news. .<P> This week released a survey of the rich against the United States showed that nearly 80% of rich Americans that the United States already in recession. .This survey is representative of the United States the richest 10% of the population of 638 families, their average disposable income was 34.2 million. .Survey, the recent economic turmoil and the respondents did not have much impact, but they are in "recession mood" being. .To this end, they are to reduce debt, increase savings and cost savings. .<P> Soros spoke in the same day, the White House once again come forward, "champions" the current U.S. economy, Lazear said the White House chief economist, believes the U.S. economy has not plunged into recession, and said the economic stimulus package in the current quarter will be .begun to stimulate economic growth, earlier than expected. .<P> Support the sovereign fund investment <P> about the subprime mortgage crisis in the same time, Soros had also shot a large scale assistance to sovereign funds in U.S. financial institutions have expressed support. .Soros said to help stabilize the U.S. financial sector, sovereign wealth funds are "positive factors." .<P> The sub-prime crisis, the world's major financial institutions have suffered heavy losses, in this case, mainly from emerging market countries, large-scale influx of sovereign wealth funds to Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, UBS and other financial institutions into the .a lot of money. .Morgan Stanley estimates that sovereign wealth fund assets could triple by 2015, reaching 1.2 trillion U.S. dollars. .<P> On commodity markets, Soros noted that the existence of global commodity price "bubble." .He also believes that the U.S. stock market is in a "bear market rally." .Since March 10 from New York, the Dow Jones stock market index has risen 10%. .</ P>.

Foreign media attention like the Chinese government made great earthquake disaster relief efforts.

<P> 7.8 magnitude Wenchuan earthquake caused heavy casualties, the Chinese government quickly organized the rescue operation immediately. .Great attention from overseas media, and the great efforts the Chinese government praised. .</ P> <P> According to the Associated Press and other media, since a strong earthquake shook southwest China's Sichuan Province, China Rescue workers race against time to the disaster area to search for survivors. .China's official estimates, the number of people killed in the earthquake nearly 1.2 million people and continues to rise. .At the same time, the officer also gradually began to get in touch and epicenter. .</ P> <P> strong earthquakes since the 12th century, the Chinese official media through live broadcasts showing buildings collapsed into rubble and debris blocking the road traffic of the screen. .Rescue workers search through the rubble, survivors, when found, surrounded by a burst of tits. .</ P> <P> According to reports, the Chinese government made great efforts, and national leaders stand in the forefront of relief work. .Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao immediately flew to Sichuan Province, and ordered to clear roads so that relief workers can reach the most affected areas. .</ P> <P> overseas media reports also particularly prominent Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who come to the front lines of disaster relief situations. .Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on national television visit the scene of one rescue scene: "We will do our best efforts to save the people can have rescue." </ P> <P> and the British Broadcasting Corporation, Reuters reports ., Wenchuan County officials issued an urgent appeal by satellite phone, asked the government to the largely isolated region air tents, food and medicine, it is sending medical personnel. .</ P> <P> about 50,000 People's Liberation Army soldiers to the earthquake relief operations. .Medical personnel from across the country are to the disaster area, on the one hand to provide treatment for the survivors, on the other hand deal with the spread of disease may be caused by unsanitary conditions. .</ P> <P> Chinese authorities said the quake caused no damage to the Three Gorges dam, the dam of about 575 km from the epicenter. .Rescue operations and other details have not been covered up. ."The New York Times" reported that the earthquake is awash in information, senior officers and rescue personnel responded quickly. .</ P>.

Second-quarter U.S. corporate profits fell at least 10% of the crisis is not in addition.

<P Style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align=center> <B style=mso-bidi-font-weight: normal> second quarter U.S. corporate earnings forecast </ P> .<P style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align=center> <B style=mso-bidi-font-weight: normal> type </ P> <P style = MARGIN- .TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align = center> <B style=mso-bidi-font-weight: normal> Forecast </ P> <P style = MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN- .BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align = center> <B style=mso-bidi-font-weight: normal> the first quarter of the situation </ P> <P style = MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; .TEXT-ALIGN: center align = center> & P 500 </ P> <P style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align=center> down 10% </ P> <P .style = MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align = center> profits down 16% </ P> <P style = MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT- .ALIGN: center align = center> financial services </ P> <P style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align=center> slumped 60% </ P> <P style = .MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align = center >--</ P> <P style = MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align = .center> Energy </ P> <P style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align=center> surge 25% </ P> <P style = MARGIN-TOP: 0px .; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align = center >--</ P> <P style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align=center> consumer categories .Enterprise </ P> <P style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align=center> down 24% </ P> <P style = MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM .: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: center align = center >--</ P> <P style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: right align=right> tab: </ P> .<P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> WASHINGTON Reuters by surge in energy prices, poor economic data and the credit crisis hit, the U.S. second-quarter profits may be consecutive .Four Seasons atrophy, will hit the U.S. since 2002, fell the most long-term record of earnings. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> (http://finance.) S & P 500 estimated by the banks and securities companies, a substantial weakness in the previous quarter results, .S & P 500 companies will drag on second-quarter profit fell 10%, while analysts surveyed by Bloomberg estimated reduction of 11%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Alcoa first-quarter results on Tuesday announced for the second quarter of the United States kicked off earnings. .Xi Bate, senior index analyst at Standard & Poor's said earnings reflect the overall economy, no doubt will continue to fall, but the outside world is more worried about this wave of economic turmoil would last long. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> components & P forecast second quarter earnings will fall 10% over the previous year. .S & P 500 company earnings decline 16% in the first quarter of last year, three or four quarters are each reduced by 2.5% and 23%. .In addition to the global credit crisis is not, like Merrill Lynch and Citigroup and other financial groups are bound to be recognized again billions of dollars in assets. .Since last year, the bank recognized amounts to nearly 3,000 billion dollars. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> according to Bloomberg data, the financial industry could once again second-quarter profit plunged 60%. .Financial stocks in the S & P corporate profits last year, contributed 60.7 billion U.S. dollars the Chinese Communists. .But the standard prediction that the data will be substantially reduced this to 246 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Xi Bate pointed out that want to explore the extent of financial sector weakness, if the S & P 500 index, the banks and securities components .enterprises excluded, but S & P 500 earnings will increase by 9%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Energy second-quarter earnings are expected to surge 25%, the highest of all industries. .In the first quarter of 2008, oil prices broke through 100 dollars a barrel after the other, including Exxon Mobil and Schlumberger Energy Group, S & P 500 companies accounted for half of revenue growth. .Goldman Sachs analyst Tian Winona was released in the June 25 report, "We were optimistic about corporate profits will recover in the second half of 2008, but the prediction is not as fast as we expect to happen." .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> addition survey also showed that those who are highly dependent on consumer spending will corporate profits will decline 24%, of which .including the auto companies and retail businesses. .Ghriskey said, before the government back taxes to stimulate consumer spending in the policy may be too late for the second quarter due to the implementation of corporate earnings is very limited. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px> WL Ross & Co.LLC said Wilbur Ross, CEO, general consumption on changes in U.S. .The role of the economic situation is very limited, he said: "to the November comes, only the employment and housing prices around the U.S. economy will become the driving force." </ P>.

"Two rooms" free economic backtrack nationalized.

Fannie Mae (Fannie Mae) and Freddie (Freddie Mac) are two very special as a company, because of its specificity on this system, in fact, to rescue the U.S. government on this issue in hand into a super-dilemma .embarrassing situation. .Whether to save and not save, the U.S. government will certainly come to a bad name. .<P> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are two privately owned listed companies, market principles, especially from the Western market economy principle, the investment risk, the U.S. government sit idly by, right and proper. .Provisions of the U.S. bankruptcy liquidation incredibly mature, Ye Hao creditors, shareholders or yours is a cry Ye Hao, jumped Ye Hao, themselves the consequences of investment mistakes go. .</ P> <P> problem is Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, in fact, is "quasi-state-owned enterprises", so that investors take a market-oriented business investment results is really unfair. .</ P> <P> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as this particular system is called Government Sponsored Enterprises, referred to as the GSE, been translated into more "government authorized enterprise", in fact, according to their literal meaning, call it ."The government is responsible for enterprise" or "government-sponsored enterprises" and the like are no problem. .You say it they are not state-owned enterprises, while the two companies, effectively assume the functions of certain government agencies, state-owned enterprises in the big pot defects can be found here, two-bedroom and in this "quasi-state" status enjoy privileges including the ability to exempt from federal .and local government tax revenues, to enjoy from the U.S. Treasury were 22.5 billion dollars in credit support. .If you say they are not private bar, they both do in terms of profits in the law for the purpose of privately owned enterprises. .</ P> <P> This should be the U.S. economy on an innovative private bar. .</ P> <P> the U.S. Government of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that the "quasi state-owned enterprise" requirement is not high in many areas. .In the capital size of this important anti-risk indicators, government regulation is very tolerant. .Compared to the huge portfolio, the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's capital is no different from ants than the size of elephants. .According to statistics, by the end of last year, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two companies totaled $ 83,200,000,000 core capital, which is 83.2 billion U.S. dollars supporting the two companies 5.2 trillion in guarantees and debt. .So some people say, even if the total asset portfolio in terms of occurrence of the book is not very serious losses, "Fannie and Freddie" crisis may occur, it shows the vulnerability of their ability to resist risks. .</ P> <P> if any of the "two-bedroom" bankruptcy, investors asked: the Government, "Fannie and Freddie," on the market did not follow the strict requirements of financial institutions supervision, why have to bear the consequences when we come to the "two-bedroom ."viewed as a market-oriented financial institutions to do? .</ P> <P> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two companies to this grave crisis, to a certain extent, thanks to its "quasi-state" status of the gift. .Since the quasi-state companies background, they can issue credit rating agency equivalent to the U.S. Treasury bonds to finance the cost of capital low. .So the two companies dare to traditional business it acquired from lenders mortgage debt, as well as their packaging card securitization (MBS), but also boldly expand profit channels, purchase of other private entities to issue the MBS, from which .to earn their cost of funds and the purchase of low spread between MBS. .Due to the current subprime mortgage crisis engulf an entire mortgage market, which had stage 3A MBS credit ratings began to fall, the market value of the drop. .Even worse, the two companies hold such a large amount of MBS, Fannie Mae was more than 127.8 billion U.S. dollars, Freddie Mac, as more than 2670 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for most of the class of a MBS. .</ P> <P> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the creditors around the world, China should be one of the major creditors. .The two corporate finance, easily, because they have understood from the federal government implicit guarantee, which makes them to release in the market with the highest credit rating agency debt. .These include investors, including many foreign governments have no doubt that if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crisis, the U.S. government will 托底. .</ P> <P> the world in the past did not hesitate to buy Fannie and Freddie agency debt, in fact, the U.S. government to buy credibility. .Had grabbed an American professor of political science to ask: Why do some countries can have nuclear, and some countries not? .Professor gave the answer: a nuclear safety and insecurity of the points. .This criterion is probably out of a country's international credibility it. .The credibility of the United States Government to regret it, supported by the international credibility of the U.S. dollar, Wall Street, they will face the storm can be imagined. .</ P> <P> If the U.S. government determined to save, be nationalized, then in addition to economic impact, will be the American belief in the earthquake. .Fannie Mae is the beginning of the creation in 1938 of state-owned monopoly, has experienced long after the completion of three years of privatization, it would be a great free practice of economic theory, and now have to go back and take the old path, the core values of American society .will He Yikan? .</ P> <P> credibility and value in the United States contests, while condemning the members of Congress how to take taxpayer money to subsidize investors, while establishing another vote on the bailout bill agreed. .</ P> <P> establishing another case, if the ultimate end can only be acquired through the state, then the "government licensing companies," will create a new definition, the Alliance: income to calculate the shareholders, the second line: deficits are the property of the taxpayer, scroll reads: .super state. .</ P>.

Bernanke bright "family property": the financial crisis blowing away Jinsan Cheng personal assets.

The Fed released documents show on Tuesday, in the face of the financial crisis brought about by the enormous impact that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's personal assets has not survived, the past year Ben Bernanke and their families in serious financial assets shrink, the market value of up to 29%.

According to reports, Ben Bernanke Pengboshe last year for the annual salary of $ 19.13, their personal and family financial assets fell to 85.2 million ~ 176 million, compared with 2007, 160 000 ~ 248 million market value interval serious shrink. According to the provisions of Ben Bernanke need only declare certain assets.

The Fed files displayed in the asset details form, the name of Ben Bernanke's two financial assets to TIAA CREF traditional retirement annuities and stock-fund, in 2007 the value of an asset are $ 50, 000 ~ 100, but last year the value of the assets substantially shrunk, dropped to $ 25 million ~. Ben Bernanke at pension account investment company United States Beled a high-yield bonds, currently only 1.5 million ~ 5 million. It is reported that this type of high-yield bond in 2007 by Merrill Lynch manage, since the financial crisis intensified, the relevant sector is Merrill Lynch managing company mergers and acquisitions, related notes also reverted to Beled management.

Ben Bernanke's personal financial situation report shows that last year he sell the vast majority of individuals holding Canada bonds, these assets last year, the market value of only $ 0 ~ 1001, and a year ago that the market value of $ 5 million to 10 million. In addition, in the report submitted to the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke said in the last year did not carry any debt, hold any stock and accept any gift.

In 2006, succeeding the former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan before as Princeton University economics professor, Ben Bernanke published a textbook, royalty income of $ 5, 000 ~ 10. As Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in 2007 after the publication of the second textbook royalties increased, their personal income interval in disclosed royalty of 10, 000 ~ 100 k.

United States Government expressly provides that the Federal Reserve Board members shall not hold directly related to banks and financial institutions, stock, Ben Bernanke and the Fed are through the purchase of related mutual fund cleverly bypassing this provision. In the individual financial assets shrank significantly, royalties as Ben Bernanke's second-largest source of personal income.

Monday, February 14, 2011

OECD: U.S. Federal Reserve should continue to raise interest rates but the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan rate hike should be postponed.

<P Align=left> </ P> <P> OECD29 said Wednesday, as rising inflation and higher oil prices within the next two years may lead to increased wage demands, the Fed should continue to raise interest rates, but the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan Bank should delay .interest rates to promote economic growth. .</ P> <P> YORK, Nov. 29 report, the OECD (OECD) 29 at its semi-annual economic outlook report that, due to rising inflation and higher oil prices within the next two years may lead to wage demands .rise, the Fed should continue to raise interest rates to raise interest rates to a neutral level or higher level restricted. .But the European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank of Japan rate hike should be postponed, due to inflation and sluggish economic recovery has just begun. .</ P> <P> OECD believes that the need to avoid early ECB rate hike should be to gradually raise the time comes, it is best to raise interest rates later in 2006. .The Bank of Japan should stick to quantitative easing policy until inflation reaches 1%, to four and a half to end its zero interest rate policy. .</ P> <P> OECD predicts that by the end of March 2006, the U.S. federal funds rate from the current 4.25% to 4.75%. .The Bank of Japan, in 2006 to maintain zero real interest rate policy will continue to raise interest rates before the end of 2007 to 1%. .</ P> <P> aspects of the Group of Seven countries, OECD says Canada because of full economic recovery should continue to raise its current 3% interest rate, expected at the end of 2007 the Bank of Canada will raise interest rates to 4.25%. .The Bank of England, OECD believes that the Bank of England cut interest rates in August to 4.5% in the environment is no longer necessary to cut interest rates again, the UK interest rates should maintain the status quo. .</ P> <P> the current interest rate futures trading shows investors expect the Fed12 the 13th consecutive monthly hike. .Investors also expect the European Central Bank (ECB) will be Dec. 1 the first time in five years, interest rates, because the European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet (Trichet) and other officials are worried about inflation out of control. .</ P> <P> Bank of Japan Governor Toshihiko Fukui (ToshihikoFukui) on November 18 that Japan's policies may change in the 06 fiscal year. .06 fiscal year began April 1, 2006. .</ P> <P> OECD chief economist Curtis (Jean-PhilippeCotis) in the 234 citations in the report, said the situation continued expansion of the global economy appears to be true. .Global economic growth has been gradually expanding. .</ P> <P> to coordinate economic policy and analysis for the purpose of the OECD said that 31% of the face of soaring oil prices, global economy is expected to appear earlier than the OECD also have vitality. .This allows the OECD to improve its growth prospects in Japan and Europe point of view. .OECD said that the global economy has weathered the relative impact of energy prices. .</ P> <P> but the OECD also said the global economy still faces considerable risks, including: oil prices will remain high, the organization may not be dropped to 07 by the end of the expected price will be maintained - .51 dollars per barrel. .At the same time, housing prices in some countries and bond prices could collapse, investors may also be due to the U.S. current account deficit and fear. .The U.S. current account deficit in 2006 will account for gross domestic product (GDP) 7%. .</ P> <P> OECD Governments were requested to reduce the budget deficit and prepare for the population decline and increase the retirement preparation. .OECD says governments should seriously promote a long way to reach the public finances. .</ P> <P> China is not the OECD Member States, but the OECD has said that the economic importance of China to the world it is necessary to be mentioned, and called on China to revalue its currency. .OECD expects China's 2005 economy to grow 9.3% in 2006 to grow by 9.4%. </ P>.

US Embassy Enterprise Zhuanfan can't return Lucy rich

United States enterprises in China in 2005 achieved strong again, maybe the record profit levels. But a report from the United States company or the United States Congress these days about the trade of negative information, you can hardly see it.

United States business community seems to be often deliberately concealing their success in China. United States politicians in order to prepare to meet the potential trade war, highlighting China trade losers of, and is blind to many winners-this may not be a wise move.

United States company China harvest

According to the United States Bureau of economic analysis and statistics, 2004, United States of associated companies in China — — United States companies holding 10% or more — revenues of $ 3 billion, and in 1990, this number is zero. United States Bank Chief market strategist Joseph · Queensland, this figure is accurate shows United States companies from China, the world's fourth largest economies have been anything. He is expected in 2005, revenue reached a record $ 32.

In 2004, the profit is from China accounted for only $ 2090 United States affiliates of global gains. Japan contributed 113 billion, Mexico to 76 billion. But even in some very competitive industry, China's appeal to the United States companies are getting bigger.

To the automotive industry as an example: Although General Motors in the United States deficit is growing, but the 9 months of 2005 the company's earnings were $ 2.18 million-the money in the General Motors to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission but has not been mentioned in the file.

In Motorola's global sales, China 12%, China is by far the largest outside the United States market. Motorola does not separate calculation of its Chinese business benefits.

GE said its China business income reached 50 billion last year, the company hopes that by 2010 this income then doubled. GE also does not provide a specific number of profit.

Related news: General Motors was slain and 86 million Ltd industry fell glasses

No doubt, many United States companies in China to obtain considerable gains. But years of failures and frustrations--plus some significant failure-the people of China is investing in the impression of a black hole.

McKinsey Corporation Shanghai Office Director Jonathan · Wetzer recall 1 and a half years ago he was in New York to the business community was high for lectures · Jack Welch interrupted story. Welch, the former Chief of the General Electric CEO heard other audience questioning China's voice, he was obviously disappointed, he stood up and pointed at the top were asked, "do you make money in China? ... You make money? … You make money? "

Welch's on the spot investigation revealed that day arrived at the company almost 80% of all money.

WTO arbitration panel to force the U.S. investigation into China's export subsidies.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, U.S. Trade Representative's Office Local 12, asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) arbitration panel set up an expert on China's export subsidy issues a formal investigation. .United States, this request has been registered in a program held on July 24 of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body meeting's agenda. .</ P> <P> This is the second time the United States requested WTO arbitration panel set up to resolve trade disputes with China, and Mexico also joined the ranks of the request. .Last October, the U.S., Canada and European countries joint appeal, WTO for the first time set up an arbitration panel to investigate China's imports of auto parts by vehicle taxation. .There is no matter the result. .</ P> <P> to the United States in February this year, China's export subsidies to the WTO complaint, accusing China of "illegal" subsidies to various export products, followed by two rounds of consultations with China, but failed to do so. .According to WTO regulations, the complaint was raised to 60 day consultation period, if the parties failed to reach consensus, you can submit a WTO arbitration body to rule. .</ P> <P> In fact, from April 15 this year, since the abolition of some of China's steel export tax rebate of 8%, other steel export tax rebate rate from 8% to 5%. .After China and from July 1 onwards, the 2831 export tax rebate policy has been adjusted to cover all goods in the customs tariff for 37% of the total. .Can be said of this year's Sino-US trade friction. .Not the United States by the end of March break, "non-market economy country" 23 years of countervailing duties imposed routine imposition of countervailing duties on Chinese coated paper, in April also announced that complaints to the WTO intellectual property rights and market access in China. .</ P> <P> It is reported that China can in July 24 to prevent the establishment of the expert group meeting on the request, but the United States and Mexico, any subsequent request for dispute settlement body will be automatically accepted. .</ P> <P> Related reading: </ P> <P> China faces international attacks into a global number one target of anti-dumping </ P>.

Fed rate cut rally in the stock market in New York City, striking oil.

<P> According http://finance. Hearing, subject to such factors as the Federal Reserve cut interest rates to stimulate, New York, oil prices appear on the 31st June, the biggest single-day rise since, closing at a record 94.5 three dollars. .Dow Jones Index rose hundred and thirty seven. .</ P> <P> New York Mercantile Exchange, light sweet crude for December delivery futures price per barrel rose over the previous trading day four one five dollars, record high closing price. .London's International Petroleum Exchange, December Brent crude oil futures prices also rose $ 3.19 a barrel, above the closing price of stand ninety U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> Fed rate cut decision was a major factor in rising oil prices. .U.S. Federal Reserve Board decision the same day the federal funds rate that commercial banks overnight call rate fell to 4.5 percent in response to the credit crisis and the possible consequences of economic recession. .</ P> <P> the decision of the Federal Reserve cut interest rates, prompting New York trading the euro against the U.S. dollar also hit a record high. .One British pound against the dollar break through one to two eight, fifty years the Canadian dollar against the U.S. dollar broke through the one to one six. .</ P> <P> further dollar weakness, raised the dollar-denominated oil futures as an attractive investment products. .The lower interest rate means that oil speculators can lower borrowing costs, speculation in the oil Shangwang profit. .</ P> <P> market analysts also pointed out that the 31st rebound in oil prices is another major factor is the U.S. commercial crude oil inventories have dropped to the lowest point in two years. .U.S. Department of Energy report released the same day in the week ended Oct. 26, the U.S. commercial crude oil inventories decreased over the previous week, three hundred and ninety million barrels. .</ P> <P> is generally believed that oil prices break through hundred mark, but a matter of time. .Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is not willing to let go the issue of production, which also makes speculators believe prices will not be sharp adjustment in the short term. .</ P> <P> despite skyrocketing oil prices, the U.S. economy is in the third quarter's rapid 3.9 percent growth. .October, employers of private enterprises also provide more than one hundred thousand jobs. .Encouraged by this, and under the control of the Fed's monetary levers, first behind the New York stock market rose, the Dow Jones industrial average closed at late thirteen thousand nine hundred and thirty points, up one percent over the previous session. .S & P and Nasdaq also have five hundred more than one per cent increase. .</ P> <P> analysts believe the Fed has cut interest rates again during the small, but some improvement in domestic consumption and export trade is very active, U.S. economic prospects are more optimistic about the overall stock market was bullish fundamentals .. .</ P>.

To turn on the water washed away one after another U.S. interest rate cut in China?.

<P> U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Fed) decision 30, the federal funds rate, which commercial banks to further lower the overnight lending rate by 0.5 percentage points, from 3.5% to 3%. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. This is the Fed to stop the recession happened since September last year, the fifth rate cut since, and this is an emergency Federal Reserve cut interest rates following the September 22 after a 0.75 percentage point .just over a week for the second consecutive rate cut. .</ P> <P> after the outbreak of the subprime mortgage crisis, the U.S. government to save the economy, with the "medicine" of the fierce indeed unprecedented, means as much to make the world dizzying. .We recall that the subprime mortgage bond crisis, the early crisis in the United States immediately to inject a large number of financial institutions; followed one after another rate cut; and later made available for personal and small business tax, support the expansion of consumption and investment, by 1460 the total .billion economic stimulus package. .Just signs of a recession in the economy, the U.S. government to pull out all the stops so bringing more of both, and vigorously to save the U.S. economy, the international community to the U.S. market system is so sound, control and regulate the ability of the economy to re-examine. .</ P> <P> However, such a series of U.S. interest rate cut to the Chinese macro-control of monetary policy in particular, out of a big problem. .Difficult is the performance of China and the U.S. economy contrary. .U.S. economy entered a recession, but there are signs of overheating Chinese economy; the United States to prevent a recession, while China has to prevent overheating of the economy; the United States to implement the loose monetary policy, China has to implement tight monetary policy. .The result is that successive U.S. interest rate cut, while China has continued to raise interest rates. .The depth of the Chinese economy into the world economy today, especially in increasingly close economic ties with the United States now, there is such a departure from the situation, very weird. .</ P> <P> successive U.S. interest rates on Chinese monetary policy will have a great impact. .On the one hand China to prevent structural price rises from evolving into significant inflation of the task is arduous, to continue raising interest rates requires very urgent; the other hand, China rate hike, while the U.S. series of interest rate cuts led to inversion of Sino-US spreads (RMB .rates were higher than U.S. interest rates), the relative depreciation of the RMB for the dollar will continue to promote the future of global capital will be further into China, making China's excess liquidity situation deteriorate further. .Increased excess liquidity could lead to asset price inflation continued to climb even made a reality. .This has created such a situation: seeing prices steadily rising, but can not use monetary tools to raise interest rates; use the deposit reserve ratio can be recycled and excess liquidity, but the U.S. has cut interest rates, the dollar has been devalued, and the Chinese liquidity .surplus increased. .It is as if we raise the statutory reserve ratio is in the "shutoff", while the U.S. rate cut is in the "water", not to "water inlet" plug, do not fundamentally solve the problem. .Some people think that, at present, the central bank has lost the initiative in monetary control, though not necessarily correct, but it does make sense. .Series of at least U.S. interest rate cut in the Chinese monetary policy dilemma situation. .</ P> <P> how to deal with it? .The current should accelerate the pace of yuan appreciation, appreciation of the renminbi is expected to shorten the time; substantial increase in labor, environmental protection, resources and energy costs; quickly introduced to encourage businesses and individuals of foreign direct investment incentives; continue to raise the deposit reserve ratio, the excess liquidity of commercial banks to recover .. .</ P> <P> while maintaining the stable development of the current economic market has a very special significance. .The stability of the stock market to move upwards, can absorb a lot of excess liquidity to prevent economic overheating and inflation is good. .If the current stock market crash or even a stock market crash, then the current economy is undoubtedly worse. .The stock market will certainly attract a large number of liquidity on the one hand the flow of savings and other financial products, on the other hand will be above the flow of real estate and other commodities will drive real estate prices, and prices continued to rise. .Therefore, to build the stock market and prevent the stock market ups and downs of the stock market a good investment of capital and consumer capital reservoir, to better absorb the current excess liquidity. .</ P>.

U.S. media: China earthquake in the face of the rapid action.

United States, "Christian Science Monitor," May 13 article, the original question: in the quake zone, China, Monday, the quick action of the earthquake as the death toll rising, China has sent its troops involved in disaster relief efforts - which reflects Beijing is .gradually and efficient disaster relief as a top priority. .<P> Geological Survey in Edinburgh, a geologist by Roger • Rasmussen said China is obviously well prepared for such actions, "they can quickly organize disaster relief." </ P> <P> a .A military spokesman said more than 6,000 police officers in the post-earthquake operations command, was sent to disaster areas. .Premier Wen Jiabao in less than two hours after the earthquake, the time flew to Chengdu immediately, he told reporters that the government has asked government officials to the earthquake at all levels of the first line, led the people to rescue. .</ P> <P> Professor of Public Administration, Tsinghua University in Beijing, said Lan Xue, China's annual typhoon has made the government to establish an effective disaster relief organization. ."A lot of progress is the disaster relief." Xue Lan said, "Despite the intensity of typhoons in recent years has been increasing, but the death toll has been on the decline. The Chinese better than in the past, and than other developing countries .do better. "</ P> <P> When Monday after the earthquake, local officials have the right to cross the normal reporting procedures, reporting directly to the highest level of government, the Chinese People's University professor of public policy administration, said Mao Shoulong. .</ P> <P> addition to thousands of soldiers and police officers were dispatched to the epicenter Wenchuan County outside the cities from the east coast of the emergency medical team was dispatched to the quake-hit areas. .Shows the government out of their rapid response. .</ P>.

Reuters: Hillary refused to withdraw from the election of the eight reasons.

Reuters reported on the 16th, Hillary Clinton asked her to withdraw from the U.S. Democratic presidential candidates for the voice laughed, and said he would continue to run "until the nominee have." .But the oath on behalf of his rival Barack Obama ahead in the ratings, is hard to surpass. .The following is Hillary persist until the June 3 election to complete the remaining 5 games pre-selection of several possible causes. .This five places are Kentucky, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Montana and South Dakota. .1. Taking into account --- Hillary in the next two primaries in Kentucky and Puerto Rico --- the more popular, she may wish to continue, so she felt seemed to try it yourself with all your choices, and explore every .be the last possible way. .2. Two big states --- --- Michigan and Florida primaries results invalid, disqualified, for which the Democratic Party of memory in the dispute. .Hillary may want to arrange for Florida and Michigan delegations at the Democratic convention in August's decision to allow her to narrow the gap with Obama, small enough to influence the decision of super delegates in favor of her .. .3. Hillary may wish to victory in the remaining primaries, Clinton's lead may be able to win over super delegates to her camp. .4. Hillary continue to campaign, presumably to see whether Obama would be a mistake, or may be involved in another re-raised concerns about voters being he has no experience of the dispute, allowing Hillary to become more competitive .candidates. .At that time, she can prove to the superdelegates that she is most likely to beat McCain. .5. Hillary Clinton Barack Obama may be trying to pressure her to join his vice presidential nomination list. .6. Hillary Clinton's campaign owed at least $ 20,000,000 of debt, may need more time to raise funds to repay campaign debts, including her own campaign team to pay 1,100 million dollars. .7. Hillary and her husband, Bill Clinton may want to protect their "legacy", and to ensure that this competition will end with dignity. .This will repair and revive them in the black community is increasingly damaged reputation. .The black community strongly supports Obama. .8. Hillary may intend to pursue in the U.S. Senate in turn play a leading role..

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, is tantamount to bankruptcy called on Washington to strengthen financial regulation.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson went to Congress 10 days to give evidence that financial market turmoil continues, while calling for legislation to reform the U.S. financial management system. .Paulson echoed a recent day two mortgage finance institutions Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stock impacts of water plug, saying the government will ensure adequate funding, but the two agencies continue to drop. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> Comprehensive reports, extends from the last year since the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has caused a global economic shocks, Bernanke and Paulson to the House Financial Services 10 .Committee hearing, made the call management system reform of the United States. .</ P> <P align=center> reform the U.S. financial management system </ P> <P> Bernanke told lawmakers that the Fed and the Securities and Exchange Commission are working together to strengthen financial supervision, but it can only deal with short-term situation, " .the long term, legislation may be necessary for the investment banks and other large securities dealers prudential supervision, to provide a more robust structure. "</ P> <P> He also said that, in view of the occurrence of cases of Bear Stearns, in his view .Congress should consider the need for new methods to ensure the verge of a major collapse of the normal liquidation of securities firms, and to determine when to use these methods to a more formal process. .</ P> <P> March this year, the Federal Reserve to avoid collapse of Bear Brissenden impact on the overall economy, JP Morgan Chase agreed to buy Bear Stearns for the case of financing transactions, and implemented measures will rarely extended the discount window to large investment banks, these .action has caused the Government should provide relief for private companies questioned. .</ P> <P> U.S. Treasury already developing a large-scale restructuring of financial regulators plan, in addition to related reorganization, also proposes to expand the Federal role in the overall protection given to the implementation of the wider financial system stability .authority. .</ P> <P> Paulson said on that day, the relevant work is not easy, you need to start immediately. .Paulson pointed out very clearly if the closure of some institutions, may cause systemic effects. .But he also stressed the importance of market discipline; and market discipline to effectively control risks, financial institutions must be allowed to fail. .</ P> <P> his view, should strengthen the financial infrastructure, and expand the regulatory authority, so that the financial system can withstand the failure of large financial companies. .</ P> <P align=center> Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, is tantamount to bankruptcy </ P> <P> Paulson to clarify the outside world and trying to set up two government-sponsored mortgage companies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae's .doubt that the two companies are overcoming challenging times. .Informed sources, the Bush administration has been discussing the problem of strain once the strategy, and the Reserve Bank of St. Louis, long-Poole believes that the recent loss of the two mortgage agencies have been equivalent to cash flow problems, should the government bail out the chances. .</ P> <P> Paulson said the two companies in the U.S. housing market downturn, play an important supporting role, and the future will continue to play this important role. .Paulson said the two companies the federal housing enterprise regulatory inspectorate has been emphasized earlier in the week the two companies currently capitalized. .</ P> <P> the current market is very worried about Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the financial position of the two major U.S. mortgage institutions, Fannie Mae July 9 sale $ 3,000,000,000 for the biennium bonds, investors have been worried that this American .the largest residential lenders, capital is insufficient to meet U.S. housing recession, the U.S. property market is the worst situation since the Great Depression. .Fannie Mae's credit default swaps show traders are the AAA bond rating, a low level 5 assessment not treated. .Fannie Mae shares plunged 13% was recorded the lowest closing price in 14 years. .</ P> <P> It is reported that President Bush administration is studying the recent collapse in share prices continued to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, once the corresponding problem. .Reported and that the discussions for several months, the Treasury and other financial regulators as part of the normal corresponding plan, however, the two quasi-government agency with the financial situation has recently worsened, and the discussion became more pressing. .</ P>.

Warren Buffett: save "Fannie and Freddie," may take hundreds of billions of.

Investment guru Warren Buffett recently said that if the U.S. real estate market continues to deteriorate, the U.S. government intervention in aid "Fannie and Freddie" (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) will lose up to several billion dollars. .<P> (Http://finance.) Warren Buffett said the U.S. government to save the result of establishing another good or bad, depending on the U.S. real estate market. .If house prices fall further 15% to 20%, the U.S. government could lose several billion dollars. .On the other hand if the U.S. housing market has been close to the bottom, the loss may be relatively small. .When asked whether the U.S. housing market or the stock market has reached a turning point, Buffett has not be sure. .</ P> <P> by the loss of not just the U.S. government. .Citigroup credit analyst recently said that Fannie and Freddie's credit default swaps (CDS) fear of the insurance and banking Peidiao 25 billion U.S. dollars, because the two bodies taken over by the U.S. government may not be paid in full CDS. .The analysts believe that Fannie and Freddie's outstanding CDS up to 5,000 billion U.S. dollars, investors can only get back 95%. .</ P> <P> taken over by the government, Fannie and Freddie debt has become the darling of investors. .Fannie Mae issued Wednesday, the value of $ 7,000,000,000-year bonds by the blitz. .This was the largest single batch of senior debt issuance transactions, subscriber, U.S. investors accounted for 63%, Asian investors accounted for 12%. .</ P>.

The Fed announced that maintain 0-0.25% low interest rates unchanged says no inflation worries

United States Federal Reserve Board (Fed Federal Reserve, hereinafter referred to as) Wednesday's decision to continue to maintain the official interest rate in a near-zero level, but hinted that United States economic situation more stable than before, and further confirmed in this field the recession has ended or will soon end.

Fed said that from now on available information, the United States economy is stabilised.

But Fed officials on the description of the economic situation is not optimistic, this indicates the Fed interest rates remain unchanged for the time may be longer than the market expected.

In fact, the Fed on the description of the economic situation essentially similar to the policy statement of 6 months, the members listed a series of economic pressure, including domestic expenditure restraint, unemployment, income growth, reduced household wealth, as well as the credit crunch.

Said in a statement, family expenses continue to show signs of stabilisation, but still overall expenditures.

Morgan (JPMorgan Chase) economists fee luoli (Michael Feroli) said that the Federal open market Committee (Federal Open Market Committee, hereinafter referred to as FOMC) on economic growth situation improvement in the description so limited, so that he was surprised.

Fed still the momentum for economic recovery, cautious and stated that, in order to ensure a smooth transition of the bond market, Treasury bonds will slow down 3,000 billion purchase scheme promoting speed. Market in general it is expected that this non-conventional assistance program will end in September. Current Fed plan to the project until the month of October.

Fed officials said in a statement, the Committee decided to gradually slow down the national debt purchase speed, it is estimated that by the end of October will be implementation plan to purchase.

In addition, the Fed officials no rate hike for considering.

FOMC to 10 votes in favour, 0 against the results of the federal funds target rate maintained at 0-0.25% range, and that, for some time and will continue to raise interest rates remain at low levels.

After the release of the FOMC policy statement that the Committee members are still expected future economic situation will enable the federal funds rate over a period of time will still be maintained in the exceptional low.

Fee luoli said that judging from the policy statement, the Fed does not intend to start in the next few months the interest rate.

United States Department of Commerce (Commerce Department) recently published data show that the second quarter of the United States economic downturn 1.0%, but decreased in the past nine months minimum.

Economic data improvement led to many economists raised on United States economic growth expectations. Goldman Sachs (Goldman Sachs) in the second half of the United States economy is expected to reach 3% increase. There are also some economists even think that recently published data prove that 20 months of economic recession has ended in June. (Wall Street Journal)

The Hong Kong Monetary interest rates remain unchanged, following the Fed's decision

Hong Kong (Hong Kong Monetary Authority, hereinafter referred to as: the Hong Kong Monetary Authority) on Thursday will base rate maintained at 0.50%, followed by United States Federal open market Committee (Federal Open Market Committee, hereinafter referred to as FOMC) maintains the federal funds target rate unchanged.

Dollar exchange rate of the monetary policy and monetary policy in the United States, and thus linked with the Hong Kong typically United States Federal Reserve Board (Fed Federal Reserve, the abbreviation) of the rate adjustment.

Place prior to this commitment will ensure that the basic interest rate than the United States the federal funds rate 0.5 percentage points. Basic interest rate is the HKMA through discount Windows to remove the local bank to overnight the reference rate.

But Hong Kong local bank may decide whether or not the HKMA's interest rate decision to adjust the respective deposit and loan interest rates.

The FOMC voted on the eve of the federal funds target rate maintained at 0-0.25% of interval.

Mr Joseph Yam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Joseph Yam) told reporters that the United States economic recovery may take a long time.

He said the United States of consumption is still very weak, the unemployment rate is very high, especially large fiscal deficits, and the scale of the financial system is still a need for Government support.

He also claimed that the place will pay close attention to the United States and the European Central Bank exit strategy would have on the global financial system of any effect.

About inflation

The Fed statement: inflation will remain for a long time to maintain a low level

【 Comments 】 fed continue to maintain a near-zero, which means that the United States will continue to implement stringent monetary policy, since the United States special economic status, but also lead to a global Central Bank monetary policy to follow, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority has announced immediately follow the Fed interest rate policy. The global monetary liquidity ample environment will not change, just experienced a crash of A unit 8.12 might be a good news. As for inflation, the Fed said "will go through a period of low level" then we will believe it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wall Street's three major stock indexes entered a bullish "Happy Times".

<P> Steady interest rates soaring in the United States and the gradual slowdown of economic growth, has published results of U.S. companies there are a variety of exceptional economic performance data, making the experience pleasant surprise Wall Street investors. .</ P> <P> the first quarter of this year, Wall Street investors celebrate the grand opening, the three major New York stock market index to achieve greater gains, and its rate of increase than last year. .Data by strong corporate profits and merger and other factors push the Dow, Nasdaq and S & P 500 index rose 3.66%, respectively, 6.1% and 3.73%, higher than last year's increase, and almost all trades are to investors .bring healthy returns. .</ P> <P> whole, the first quarter of this year, a series of much stronger than expected economic data. .Many investors expect slower U.S. economic growth is sustained, high interest rates and the market gradually difficult to predict when the Fed tightening cycle to end the case, the current U.S. economic performance is unusually good. .For every American, this to be a very unusual thing, which is also confusion on Wall Street. .</ P> <P> for Wall Street investors, the economy will undoubtedly mean that the Fed will be to the good times to take more interest rate increases, and rising employment and sustained growth of consumer spending to the inflation risk, which .also suggests the Fed will further tighten monetary policy to slow down the pace of economic growth. .However, fears that Wall Street is that the pace of the Fed raising interest rates too far, which may lead to the coming economic slowdown into economic collapse. .</ P> <P> Thus, with the employment-related reports and other critical data to be announced, many investors want to decrease the employment data and slowing economic growth and thus to expect the Fed will stop raising interest rates the pace, leaving the U.S. economy .can continue to steadily forward. .</ P> <P> Last week, the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates fifteenth degree 1 / 4 per cent, and has not changed its tone on economic growth will continue to raise interest rates and implied that many investors re-evaluate their investment, they will .to hold interest rate-sensitive stocks of large companies into smaller companies and tech stocks, in response to increasingly high interest rates on investment income caused by the impact. .</ P> <P> However, analysts believe the U.S. economy is cyclical to the good response. .90 in the last century, with the rise of the new economy and the Internet, the U.S. economy received a rare prosperity, in order to curb inflation, the former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has repeatedly raising interest rates, driven by strong earnings in the enterprise, the U.S. stock market .appears on the overall rise for 10 years, and in 2000 reached a record high. .Since then the Internet bubble burst and the "9.11" attack, the U.S. economy into a recession. .</ P>.

Forbes: snow because of China's resignation

This article is the United States "Forbes" magazine on May 30, published a commentary, the original author is Paul Maidment, excerpts below are for informational purposes only.

If the Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke in a statement issued after rate hike is just confused let Wall Street, then Treasury Secretary John snow to China was not identified China as the "exchange rate control" then let felt disappointed Wall Street.

In the half-yearly publication of a report on the exchange rate of the United States Department of Treasury has adopted the modifications of the "technical" means to use the "rate-distortion" replaces "exchange rate manipulation". Despite recognition of the "China is the Renminbi exchange rate issues, progress," but the United States Department of Treasury has still not identified China as the "exchange rate manipulation".

Although Ben Bernanke use ambiguous language, Wall Street still believe the fed in its next regular meeting will rise again. In this context, the snow is just the opposite of the approach, even though he repeatedly used hard-line rhetoric, but Wall Street that does not give the real pressure on China, the Renminbi exchange rate and the United States on China trade deficit not much substantive progress. This provoked strong protectionist sentiment, some United States Congressman calls on China to implement more hardline trade policy.

If the Minister finds that China is "exchange rate control", the United States Congress can take further action to punish China bills into practice. However, the snow did not do so. His efforts to persuade the White House and Congress believes that the RMB exchange rate was moving in the right direction. Snow said that, although this is a painful process, but the Renminbi exchange rate really is moving in the right direction.

China in the last 7 months to cancel the operation more than 10 years old will be pegged to the US dollar exchange rate of RMB exchange rate policy, and let the RMB exchange rate appreciation of $ 2.1%. At present, the appreciation of the Renminbi against the US dollar rate to 2%.

Despite the snow on the reform of the Renminbi exchange rate will not be satisfied, but he refused to identify Chinese "currency manipulation", the main purpose is to avoid the United States and China will suffer a trade war.

Although this decision very rational and more consistent with the interests of the United States, but in an election year, the snow could therefore become a victim of political struggle. In Washington, nobody will really get down to consider trade war on the United States caused much damage.

"The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis," the whole interpretation.

Editor's Note】 【<P> </ P> <P>: http://finance. Hearing, what is the subprime crisis: </ P> <P> in the United States, different credit ratings for banks or loans in .institutions enjoy different loan lending rates. .Credit rating higher than 660 lenders, you can enjoy the preferential interest rates. .The U.S. federal funds rate to 5.25%, banks or lending institutions generally offer interest rates of 8.25%. .Credit rating lower than 660 lenders, had to accept relatively high interest rates. .In the mortgage market, this relatively high interest rates is known as subprime loans or subprime mortgages. .Subprime mortgage interest rates are usually 2-3 percentage points higher than the prime rate. .</ P> <P> U.S. mortgage securities market operation mechanism: </ P> <P> in the U.S., personal loans to mortgage companies who are not directly apply for a mortgage to the bank. .Mortgage loans mortgage company will be sold to commercial banks or investment banks. .Bank mortgages repackaged into mortgage securities that were sold to buy mortgage-backed securities to investors, transfer of risk. .Meanwhile, the bank will sign an agreement with the mortgage company, requiring individual mortgage lenders in case of loan default, repurchase mortgage loans. .Bank will buy some credit default swaps, equivalent to the purchase of a rise in mortgage defaults against the "insurance" to further diversify their risk. .</ P> <P> period of almost everyone to make money: </ P> <P> 2001-2004, the Federal Reserve policy of low interest rates to stimulate the real estate development, the American surge in the purchase of enthusiasm, as easy to get .of the secondary mortgage market, an unprecedented popular. .During this period, the chain will benefit most people, the benefits of securitization of mortgage loans on real estate value-added benefits that can be allocated to more people. .Mortgage company profits from the sale of mortgage loans to the bank, the bank's profits from the sale of mortgage securities, mortgage-backed securities buyers, and buyers of mortgage-backed securities will enjoy more than to buy more government bonds or investment-grade bonds .high returns. .This does not include indirect involvement of investors, including the purchase of mortgage company or bank stock investors. .The only possibility of a loss are those in the credit default swap market will rise in mortgage defaults bet the people. .</ P> <P> almost everyone lost money during the: </ P> <P> marked decline in the U.S. housing boom is the root cause of subprime problems. .Loan defaults increasing, more than U.S. bogged down in the secondary market lenders bad debt crisis. .March 13, 2007, the U.S. Mortgage Bankers Association released a report, the subprime mortgage market crisis. .The news of falling U.S. stock market overall. .U.S. stock market panic spread to Asian markets soon. .April 2, 2007, the largest U.S. subprime issuers in the New Century filed for bankruptcy protection, marking the U.S. subprime mortgage market crisis. .</ P> <P> possible solutions: </ P> <P> 3 15 March, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said that unless the U.S. housing prices continue to drop, or the U.S. subprime mortgage risk is unlikely .affected the overall U.S. economy. .Reading from a different angle, meaning Greenspan said the U.S. housing prices can not fall any further, or other economic sectors will be affected. ."I think it is important that a clear understanding of what we are dealing with, this is more a problem of housing prices, rather than mortgage credit problems." Is Greenspan has suggested using the old methods pull in the market a hand? .</ P> <P> 3 月 21 U.S. Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting statement cancel since August 2006 has been adopted to stop raising interest rates "further tightening," the wording, replacing "future policy adjustments" that .more neutral language. .The market interpreted the Fed to cut interest rates officially opened the door. .Although the March 28 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is now the Joint Economic Committee in the House and Senate, testified that the wording of the change does not necessarily mean that interest rate cuts, and has repeatedly played down the threat of the subprime mortgage crisis, but many observers believe that .This is the performance of trying to hide something. .</ P>.

Rate cut is expected to push the Dow soaring 331 points.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, Fed rate cut is expected to push U.S. stocks rose </ P> <P> senior officials of the Federal Reserve will again cut interest rates hinted may allow the market to prepare a sense of optimism. .Tuesday, Wednesday, cum boost after U.S. stocks closed higher for a second day. .Financial stocks continue to lead the market rebound, the Dow surged 331 points, its biggest one day gain this year. .</ P> <P> all of the Dow's 30 component stocks rose, that previously suppressed by financial stocks leading gains. .Earlier, the reports that Citigroup received 7.5 billion U.S. dollars from the UAE capital injection and the acquisition of Bank of America rejected the proposal. .Citigroup shares closed up 6.5%. .</ P> <P> Association of America released a report of real estate transactions, sales of existing homes in October decreased by 1.2%, while housing supply has reached its highest level since 22 years. .Released before the Commerce Department's report showed that U.S. durable goods orders in October fell 0.4%, in line with market expectations. .The index for the third consecutive monthly decline. .</ P> <P> but these data do not bring negative impact on the market. .</ P> <P> the New York Mercantile Exchange crude oil futures for January delivery fell 3.68 dollars to close at $ 90.74 / barrel. .</ P> <P> Gold futures for December delivery tumbled $ 13.70 to settle at $ 800.30 / ounce, down nearly 2%. .</ P> <P> Dow Jones industrial average rose 331.01 points to 13,289.45 points, or 2.55%. .</ P> <P> Nasdaq Composite Index (market shares) rose 82.11 points to 2,662.91 points, or 3.18%. .</ P> <P> Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 40.79 points to 1,469.02 points, or 2.86%. .</ P> <P> the New York Stock Exchange volume of 1.3 billion shares; declining stocks and rising shares in a ratio of about 1:7. .</ P> <P> Nasdaq volume of 2.1 billion shares; declining stocks and rising shares in a ratio of about 2:3. .</ P>.

U.S. presidential election: Barack Obama Hillary Clinton into the White House one must.

<P> Local time on January 31, U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton launched a very important debate. .During the debate, Obama and Hillary Clinton on the matter reach a unified point of view: They think they will have a people to become U.S. president. .</ P> <P> Hillary could become the first woman U.S. president, while Obama may become the first black president. .In the past few weeks, the two have been intense flame during the campaign, concerned about the contents of the events from health care to race. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, however, in the January 31, the two candidates in the election campaign to reduce the smell of gunpowder. .In their view, the occasion of George W. Bush leaves the White House next year, that is, when the Democratic White House. .Barack Obama Hillary Clinton side said: "We have the opportunity to change history. I firmly believe that one of us will be the next U.S. president." Position for Obama, Clinton expressed support. .</ P> <P> scene was also noted that: In the debate begins, in the seated, Obama will be a very gentlemanly swivel around to move around Hillary. .</ P> <P> 1 30, former North Carolina Senator John Edwards announced its withdrawal from the U.S. Democratic presidential candidate in 2008 competition, competition in the U.S. Democratic presidential candidate from last year's "Three .Kingdoms "to Obama and Hillary Clinton's" two-hegemony ", which has two in four primaries held by the two wins each. .</ P>.

United States to China earthquake donations $ 500,000.

According to the U.S. Embassy press release, May 14, U.S. Ambassador to China Clark Randt to the Red Cross presented a check for $ 500,000 for assistance to China's earthquake relief work in Sichuan Province. .The money from the U.S. Agency for International Development Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance. .At the donation ceremony, Ambassador Randt reiterated President Bush made on May 12, "United States stands ready to provide any possible help" commitment. .Reid said: "We deeply sympathize with the cruel fate of being the disaster changed the people ... ... So President Bush reached out a helping hand to friends. He instructed me, on behalf of the American people and the U.S. government, donated to the Red Cross .a check for $ 500,000 ... ... (we think) on the Chinese people that in this extremely difficult time, we miss you, that will pray for you. "Suju Xiang, vice president of China Red Cross Society of China Red Cross to accept donations on behalf of .. .Director of the International Red Cross offices in East Asia 卡尔罗克勒 (Carl Naucler) on behalf of the International Red Cross to accept donations..

OPEC sued the White House rejected the proposal untouchables.

Global crude oil prices to soar in breaking $ 130 a barrel, when 20 U.S. House of Representatives decision to sue the U.S. government legislation OPEC OPEC, OPEC because they are suspected of trying to control oil prices, the bill by the U.S. Government .veto rejected. .<P> According to U.S. media reports, the White House warned that the motion has the potential to in retaliation for U.S. companies overseas, and led to limited oil supplies and rising prices, even threatening American jobs. .Oil prices have exceeded the current price of 130 U.S. dollars per barrel, oil prices soaring rapidly, in the end is a human speculation, or because the world is rapidly cut production of crude oil? .Sue OPEC may not be solved. .</ P> <P> keep oil prices soared, so that U.S. President George W. Bush and members of Congress on the bar, in April between the Bush denounced Congressional legislation is too slow. .Bush said, "from oil prices, food prices, the mortgage to the tuition, the American people want Congress to think of a way to do something." </ P> <P> Bush finished speaking these words in less than two weeks after the U.S. House of Representatives .including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to 324 votes to 84 votes overwhelmingly by the U.S. government can sue the OPEC oil price control bill, the result was the Bush administration veto, rejected the bill. .</ P> <P> Not long ago, Bush signed the second half of the U.S. strategic oil reserves to suspend oil bill. .Impact of this decision up to the amount of 1,300 million barrels of crude oil. .And before that, Bush visited the Middle East to urge Saudi Arabia to increase crude oil production, reduce U.S. energy demand pressures. .</ P> <P> However, Bush arrived in Riyadh the same day, Goldman Sachs, the U.S. is expected to increase in international oil prices in the second half, the New York market, oil prices soared to $ 127.82 a barrel, analysts believe that despite the Saudi oil minister is satisfied that .Imi said that Saudi Arabia has decided to increase the million barrels per day crude oil production to meet market demand, but Saudi Arabia plans to increase production of this action is symbolic, on the soaring international oil prices would not achieve a fundamental regulatory role. .</ P>.

IndyMac still being run on the reopening of the people do not believe the government has.

Was once the largest U.S. mortgage bank IndyMac Bank of California (IMB) has recently been taken over the federal regulators on Monday and Tuesday are still hundreds of depositors to the bank line, expected to open the door they put all the savings banks of a withdrawal. .News of the closure by the IMB, the outside of the United States, large and small, have shaken confidence in banks. .<P> (Http://finance.) Regulator said earlier that, IMB there runs, depositors in 11 working days for withdrawal of 1.3 billion. .IMB re-opened on Monday, the first 5 hours, or 4:00, anxious depositors queuing up outside has come to withdraw money. .</ P> <P> Teng Leer retired teacher, said: "How do I and unexpected would happen, I will extract all the savings." 50-year-old Ross also said: "How could this situation in the United States .occur, such a thing would only happen in the Great Depression. "Rose's mother also bombarded Democrats Charles Schumer, referring to his disgrace. .Schumer pointed out that the IMB has closed down last month, the risk of depositors withdraw money immediately lead to the final IMB give way and collapse. .</ P> <P align=center> "ceases to financial institutions and government" </ P> <P> a depositor of anonymity, said: "I will withdraw all the money, many people do .until the money before hand Do not believe anyone. Interestingly, if the federal authorities take over the bank, why are there still so many people queuing in the bank? This is because people no longer believe that financial institutions and governments. "</ P> < .P> Since March this year, investment bank Bear Stearns by JP Morgan Chase have fallen into financial difficulties after the acquisition of low price, accusing him of Lehman Brothers investment has been plagued by negative rumors, its stock price from the high of $ 66 in February of this year, fell on Monday to close the .$ 12.4, a drop of 8 percent. .</ P> <P> so severe decline in major banks, regional banks have not much better, since the IMB spread the problem, many U.S. regional bank shares have tumbled, the U.S. bank National City's 10th largest single-day stock plunge Monday .15%, to close at $ 3.77, National City issued a statement to that bank depositors no unusual activity has more than 12 billion U.S. dollars and short-term liquidity. .</ P> <P align=center> panic in the market expected second quarter loss rose </ P> <P> Some analysts pointed out, IMB collapse of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae's status and will be coming in the mortgage banking loss .all fear the market is expected second-quarter loss will be the housing bank risen quite fast. .</ P> <P> However, the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman Bell said the insured deposits and the banking system is absolutely safe, although there will be more bank failures as IMB-like, but do not appear large closures. .</ P>.

U.S. government rescue "Fannie and Freddie," Why not save Lehman Brothers?.

In the United States and British Barclays Bank and abandoned before the Lehman Brothers has been abandoned by the U.S. government. .Bank of America to give up because the acquisition of Lehman Brothers, Lehman Brothers, the U.S. government refused to respect in the real estate loan. .When JP Morgan Chase acquisition of Bear Stearns, the U.S. government had assets of Bear Stearns, have made such commitments. .Paulson said the U.S. government would not rescue Lehman Brothers. .<P> Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke also made a corresponding statement. .Informed sources, the tough decision until last Friday (12) after making, because, if the crisis is really to continue to deepen, the U.S. government's rescue will be overwhelmed, the U.S. government why the attempt to save "Fannie and Freddie," but .do not save Lehman Brothers? .</ P> <P> the attitude of economists is that the U.S. government of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac relief is correct. .As the mortgage giant, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac credit default swaps settlement may be difficult, more and more difficult to raise new capital. .</ P> <P> "Fannie and Freddie" paralysis of the housing finance would be a disaster. .View of the "Fannie and Freddie," the scale and the implicit government guarantee of their debt, if they collapse, it will certainly have systemic consequences. .But other U.S. financial institutions is different. .From the current perspective, the U.S. financial system is far from bad. .The market should now look forward to the greatest help, is that loose monetary policies coupled with a proactive fiscal policy. .</ P> <P> Therefore, Lehman Brothers, the U.S. government when in need of assistance, select the back. .Analysts said the U.S. government should avoid such a rescue. .Government's duty is to save the financial system, rather than individual institutions. .So far, the U.S. government has taken measures should be enough. .</ P> <P> U.S. officials now need to draw a line. .As long as the system as a whole remains running, weak institutions must be allowed to self-eliminated as part of the ongoing adjustment. .Previous relief operations, equity holders suffered losses, but the bank is insolvent if the circumstances, the creditors should bear the loss. .Commercial banks, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will be responsible for the aftermath. .Investment banks do not have such insurance arrangements. .However, short-term liquidity, should a market panic, the situation needed to be allowed to happen and orderly liquidation. .</ P>.

United States SEC report secret: the US SEC "help" McDonnell Douglas husband cheating

United States Securities and Exchange Commission report shows:

United States sec "help" McDonnell Douglas husband cheating

United States Securities and Exchange Commission oversight body 2, released the report shows that the SEC investigators 1992 "countless" mistakes found financial giant fraud Bernard · McDonnell Douglas's deception. However, the SEC has not only failed to expose "pangs scam", but the "help" McDonnell Douglas husband attract more investors to join.


SEC Attorney David · Coates wrote in the report: "Although the SEC countless received credible and detailed complaint, but had never been thoroughly investigated McDonnell Douglas's transactions, never to take the necessary measures, in order to determine whether he was using the ' fraud ' deception pangs. ”

This report road, SEC enforcement officials received reports that has 5 times on the McDonnell Douglas's trade practices, almost always "immediately discover his lie, paradoxically," but did not continue tracking. Additionally, law enforcement officers also refused to report to provide more evidence.

Coates also report that SEC has committed one of the "worst" big mistake. He said the SEC had in May 2006 to McDonnell Douglas's forensics and gets his account number. McDonnell Douglas husband said that he had thought he "ruined," but let him greatly surprised that the SEC could not continue the investigation.

Federal prosecutors, the former SEC lawyers Jacob · French Kerr said: "SEC 16 years is wearing goggles and batches because their brains rigid. ”

Fuelling scam

The copies of a 450-page report, the most interesting point is that the SEC will conduct surveys not only failed to curb the McDonnell Douglas's deception, but rather help him "recruitment" more "pangs scam victims".

Report, writes Mike Duke's initiative to inform those interested investors, the SEC has verified his transaction, did not find any problems, to improve their "confidence level".

He also told investors to boast, and SEC has a "relationship".

But Coates said that the investigation has not found evidence that McDonnell Douglas, and SEC has inappropriate relationship or investigators corruption exists. Although the former senior SEC officials, Eric · Swanson and McDonnell Douglas's niece Sally na · McDonnell Douglas husband had had a love affair, but it did not act on sec.

McDonnell Douglas husband has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NASDAQ stock market company, fraud exposure, last December was $ 650 billion. His March to the Court, plead guilty, sentenced to 15 years ' imprisonment.

Oath reform

Reports published, SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro · issued a statement saying: "the report clearly shows that the SEC will miss many opportunities to discover scam ... The mistakes we are still under review, will lead us in many aspects of the reform launched in order to monitor the markets and protecting investors. ”

Shapiro said that sec intends to establish new mechanisms, incentives to report. "We want to make the relevant provisions, to report illegal behavior, provide valuable evidence of rewards," she said.

Democratic Senator, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd said ·, Banking Committee scheduled for September 10 report on coats held a hearing.

"We will pass this report looks at where there is a problem, the best way to correct the error," he said.