Friday, May 20, 2011

$ 146,000,000,000 U.S. House of Representatives passed the economic stimulus plan.

<P> U.S. House of Representatives on the 29th through the claims by the Bush administration one hundred forty-six billion U.S. dollars in economic stimulus plan. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. The last week has been released by the House economic stimulus plan to Congress by the U.S. government officials who described the debate and the House of Representatives today overwhelmingly approved. .The provisions of this program adopted today, the United States will provide the highest single six hundred dollars U.S. taxpayers tax rebate for married couples to provide the highest twelve hundred U.S. dollars family tax rebate, receive three hundred dollars per child tax rebate. .The program includes new equipment to encourage enterprises to invest in a number of tax incentives. .</ P> <P> According to reports, the bill will be submitted to the Senate for consideration and vote, but another one by the Senate Finance Committee Chairman Xibaokasi submitted a similar bill, the House of Representatives passed the details of programs with different ., the motion recommends that the U.S. government to all eligible U.S. citizens five hundred dollars a unified tax, a couple can enjoy a thousand dollars in tax rebates, child tax rebate may be additional three hundred. .</ P>.

Congress increased economic growth forecast to 1.9%.

<P> According to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office's latest forecast, supported by fiscal and monetary policy stimulus, the U.S. real economic growth in 2008 is expected to reach 1.9%, higher than its previous forecast of 1.7%. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, Congressional Budget Office that President Bush has signed a package of economic stimulus bill, coupled with the Fed continued to cut interest rates recently, to a certain extent, inhibit the economic situation continued to deteriorate. .The agency also predicted that U.S. economic growth in 2009 will reach 2.3%. .</ P> <P> Congressional Budget Director Peter aure Zagreb in a note to the U.S. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad said in a letter, even though the Congressional Budget Office forecasts that the U.S. economic slowdown and .not serious enough to meet the definition of a recession, but the risk of recession is still on the rise. .As economic growth continues to be housing, financial market issues and problems of high oil prices, economic activity will be restricted for some time. .</ P> <P> to avoid recession, President Bush signed a total of 13 of about 168 billion U.S. dollars of the package of economic stimulus bill; the Federal Reserve since last September has been steadily lowered interest rates, the cumulative decrease of 2.25 percentage points .. .</ P>.

Subprime-induced global financial major reshuffle, the two indicators the U.S. economy.

<P> 2 月 25 news: U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in late 2007 and early 2008, deteriorating, "butterfly effect" triggered a global stock market crash, naturally also affected China A share market, global market capitalization loss of more than 10 trillion. .So, the subprime crisis of U.S. strategic intent? .To how China's capital market will lead to change in the situation? .</ P> <P> two major indicators of the U.S. economy </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, according to U.S. Treasury data showed: 2007 budget deficit was 162.8 billion U.S. dollars, compared with 2006 2482 .million decreased by 34.4%, and 413 billion U.S. dollars in 2004 compared to significant decline in fiscal deficit. .At the same time, the U.S. Congress predicted Bureau predicts, the U.S. government budget deficit in 2008, the will fall to 155 billion U.S. dollars, and plans to restore the deficit in 2012 earnings. .</ P> <P> U.S. foreign trade deficit since 1971 there has been 30 years of lingering and intensified. .2005 trade deficit of 716.7 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for GDP, 5.8%; 2006 U.S. trade deficit, which hit a new high of 763.6 billion U.S. dollars, the trade deficit with China accounted for $ 232,500,000,000; U.S. Department of Commerce announced: to 29 November 2007 announced .a revised third quarter GDP, September trade deficit improved 4 months straight, while the 7th consecutive month the export growth, import and export ratio fell to 14 .. the lowest level of 3,5 and a half years, the export per annum (13.6%) .almost 3 times the annual rate of imports (4.9%), apparently played an important role in the dollar, therefore, to reduce the "double deficit" the burden of the dollar must be devalued. .</ P> <P> Although the United States last year's third quarter GDP was 4.9%, 0.6% in the fourth quarter, the unemployment rate of 4.7% in November, December rose to 5% in January this year, U.S. non-farm employment fell by 1.7 million people, but .a survey: January 2008 U.S. private sector added 130,000 jobs. .Investment data: November 2007 $ 149,900,000,000 U.S. capital inflows, higher than the trade deficit that month the number of needs, but also higher than the "twin deficits" need dollar shortfall in capital inflows is very beneficial to maintaining U.S. economic growth. .</ P> <P> 2007 index of U.S. consumer confidence has been declining, while the subprime mortgage crisis erupted in the third quarter, consumption is still up 2.8%, in particular, in January 2008 U.S. consumer confidence index was 80.5, higher last month .75.5, also higher than market expectations of 74.5. .The two indicators that the United States investment and consumption, and not as pessimistic as the market thought. .</ P> <P> "twin deficits" is gradually improving </ P> <P> after the subprime loan crisis and the deterioration of the dollar is logical to cut interest rates substantially continuous, as fundamental to reduce the "double deficit" to create conditions. .As the United States closer to its external debt to 100% of GDP, almost all in dollars, the United States about its foreign assets GDP70%, 70% of course, the foreign currency price. .If the 10% depreciation of the dollar, then the rest of the world into the U.S. net wealth will be about U.S. GDP5%, which is basically to offset the U.S. trade deficit. .United States, with its annual growth of 13 trillion economy of scale, is the largest and most flexible global economy, the dollar decline is cyclical rather than structural, the continued expansion of the United States and the gradual improvement of the "twin deficits", the .the end of this year or early next year reversed the dollar's weakness, not allowed to decline and long-term depreciation of the dollar. .</ P> <P> investment in U.S. real estate slump and subprime crisis will end soon, as the United States Association of Realtors chief economist Lawrence said: "As house prices are still falling, many potential investors on the sidelines .However, existing home sales will be expected to rebound this spring. " .</ P> <P> crisis of the dollar is now one-sided, over-reduction induced by a foreign investor dollars, perhaps the U.S. would like to see, almost equal to a Xichou opportunities. .This realization of the U.S. deficit in 2012 earnings recovery, and a significant reduction in trade deficit, stabilizing the dollar and work is in line with U.S. interests, and only completely out of the "twin deficits", the U.S. economy will enter a new .period of development in order to maintain the lifeblood of the U.S. economy --- the capital market competitiveness, this is the U.S. national strategy. .So that the United States may be the highest return in 2008 a market, followed by emerging market countries. .</ P> <P> lack of liquidity caused by the sub-prime? .</ P> <P> Western developed countries, central banks from the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, injecting liquidity. .According to the CASS Institute of Finance statistics show that: As of August 31, 2007, the United States injected $ 145,250,000,000, Europe injected $ 644,155,000,000, Japan injected $ 46,773,000,000, Australia inject $ 15,139,000,000, Canada, injected 4.368 billion U.S. dollars, the cumulative .amounted to 855.685 billion U.S. dollars. .Then the Federal Reserve since last December, has 4 times through loans from commercial banks auction injection, the first 3 times the 200 billion U.S. dollars, 4th 300 million, a total of 900 billion U.S. dollars. .There has been since last September, Europe, Japan, Australia, Canada, and continue to inject to the market is estimated at about 800 billion U.S. subprime mortgage crisis is expected because the Western developed countries central banks injected more than one trillion U.S. dollars. .To increase stimulate consumption and investment, stabilize financial markets and maintain economic vitality, the U.S. Congress through the implementation of 146 billion U.S. dollars in fiscal stimulus, monetary and fiscal policy is really two-pronged approach. .</ P> <P> the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis caused by lack of liquidity really it? .</ P> <P> as a measure of the key indicators of liquidity M2, the latest Federal Reserve monetary report: As of December 31, 2007, when the week's M2 money supply was $ 7472000000000000, an increase of 43 billion U.S. dollars, from 2006 .At the end of the sub-prime crisis beginning to the end of 2007, M2 median rose from 4.7% year on year growth to 6.2% in September 2007 was 6.7% growth rate, indicating that money creation function of the United States itself, no problem. .Consider U.S. dollar in September last year, from 5.25% to 3%, and the Central Bank of Western developed countries and the massive injection of monetary easing actions, the United States market liquidity shortage, is it nonsense. .</ P> <P> by the end of the dollar may raise interest rates </ P> <P> With the worsening U.S. subprime crisis, the dollar began a new round of rate cuts introduced January 22 to 75 basis points over 20 years of decline ., January 31 and 50 basis points lower and lower, since last September from 5.25% to 3% of the current, resulting in high yielding currencies rose, capital flows to Asia. .U.S. dollar is widely expected to cut interest rates has not ended, listed in the March 18 meeting, but also cut interest rates this summer, the U.S. federal funds rate may be reduced to 2 to 2.5 percent. .</ P> <P> dollars continue to cut interest rates, the next European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Canada, also is likely to cut interest rates gradually, showing that the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut on radical, not only brought dollars .sharp depreciation of the currency will lead to non-dollar hard to follow the rate cut effect. .The over-rate cut may make the United States back to 2001, the situation of excess liquidity due to excess liquidity, low interest rate policy context, the stock market and real estate prices will inevitably rise, asset bubbles and inflation risks may be gathering again, with the .inflation pressures and market prosperity, the dollar is likely to raise interest rates in late 2008, the world's major currency exchange rates will thus increase. .</ P> <P> hot money or boost A-share market </ P> <P> RMB interest rate is currently 4.14%, 3% in U.S. dollar interest rate, interest rate spread of 114 basis points in U.S. currency interest rate upside down, the excess of international speculative capital ( .hot money), continue to pour into China, the catalyst performance in accelerating the pace of yuan appreciation. .Today, under the influence of passive RMB appreciation in the dollar, will be far worse than last year and is expected against other major currencies the U.S. dollar. .</ P> <P> large bubble covering the small foam </ P> <P> the current global financial ongoing major reshuffle, speculative excess capital (hot money) The real risk is not present, but in the end after a big bubble cover .a way to iron out small bubble subprime crisis. .U.S. interest rates and loose monetary policy, funding, increase the global excess liquidity, in emerging countries to help create another round of excess liquidity boom has brought a new round of pressure on portfolio capital inflows, the birth of a new asset bubble, and .bring other problems within the economy. .</ P> <P> the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis caused by the false economic decline, the U.S. economy might rebound in the second half began, therefore, with particular attention to U.S. dollars at a future time, a sudden appreciation of the strong dollar is a direct interpretation of the logical result of the development .countries and emerging countries, including China, who pay the price for this to become a bubble. .This is the Japanese economy has experienced 20 years ago to the event, when the outflow of capital may be as fast as the water at low tide. .United States and other developed countries to achieve their replacement with money to continue their financial prosperity and glory. .(The author is deputy director of Securities Research Institute, Department of Waring) </ P>.

Paulson iron teeth clenched firmly opposed to intervention in the subprime mortgage crisis into.

<P> Although many analysts and politicians have repeatedly urged the U.S. government resorted to a more supportive measures have been taken to a more comprehensive plan, including buying, restructuring and resale of troubled mortgage loans to make it again a reasonable .valuation, but the U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson strong-willed, it seems that will not easily be discounted. .</ P> <P> since the current crisis, there have been nearly 2,000 billion U.S. dollars of investment in housing evaporation, analysts expect about half of the total write-down at the same time, declining home values and mortgage defaults on the record .rising at a rate records are made the situation worse. .Although the Fed and the White House have resorted to a number of measures, but did not solve the root of the crisis - a huge number of default and facing foreclosure of mortgages. .So many people have called on the government to take more aggressive action. .</ P> <P> However, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday to a speech, Paulson said the spread on Capitol Hill views - with taxpayer money to help homeowners reduce the loan amount, and a lower .refinance interest rates in order to make the homeowners to avoid the houses were foreclosed on - there has not yet started. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, Paulson said the Bush administration is not willing to support anything that might slow the housing market correction needed to measure retreated. .Experienced a shrinking of the owner of assets, and without a systemic solution. .Only those who can not repay because of the interest rate increase, and that can not be due to reduced assets and refinancing homeowners, the need for government assistance. .</ P> <P> he repeated the wording of the White House, urged Congress to complete the two programs, in order to make the federal housing authorities to meet modern needs, and modify the federal government Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on supervision orders. .He said: This two programs are near completion, I hope now to complete this important bill to the purposes and to help homeowners and the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> In addition, Paulson also said he fully backed by the Fed action: Bear Stearns found itself facing bankruptcy and the Fed to act quickly to avoid the spread of the crisis. .He also believes that the Fed temporarily to provide liquidity to the primary broker of the action, is the recognition of the financial system and investment banks play a role in the nature of the current change. .</ P>.

U.S. housing minister was forced to leave the subprime mortgage crisis.

Suspicion of abuse of power while the U.S. was criminal investigations Minister of Urban and Housing Development Alphonso Jackson - March 31 announced his resignation, becoming the latest one to leave the Bush administration cabinet member. .Jackson said in a statement the same day that his resignation will take effect April 18. .He said that they resigned because I wanted to have more time to handle personal and family matters, he did not mention the issue being investigated. .Over the past 2 years, Jackson has been continuously about his Ministry with a number of city and housing development between contractors accused of trading power for money, the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation. .But the White House has said President Bush supports Jackson and that the findings will prove his innocence. .Democrats pointed out that the Jackson scandal, will make the current crisis in the U.S. housing market worse. .Jackson, aged 62, was born in Texas, and Bush was governor of the state have friendship. .Since March 2004 he played U.S. city and housing development minister..

The United Nations says in a serious recession in the global economy edge.

The United Nations recently published mid-year economic forecast report, the edge of the global economy is in a severe recession, forecast to grow by only 1.8% this year, far below last year's 3.8%, while next year's economy is still weak, only a slight increase of 2.1% growth rate .. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px align=center target=_blank> the U.S. property market and the financial industry is the culprit </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px target=_blank> </ P> <P style = MARGIN: 0px target = ._blank> (http://finance.) drag on the economy of the United Nations will spearhead the United States continued to worsen in the first quarter of the mortgage and financial sectors, Outlook 2009, which will become the main cause of drag on the world economy. .Developing countries will also be affected, compared with last year's strong 7.3% growth forecast next year, growth rates were 5% and 4.8%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px target=_blank> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> economists said the United Nations, the United States take the lead caused by falling house prices, depreciation of the dollar, persistent global imbalances, oil and .issues such as soaring commodity prices, deepening the credit crisis, both developed and developing countries pose a major crisis. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> However, the final figures for this year's economic growth was mainly depending on the latest developments in the United States, if the sub-prime crisis on developing countries .deepen the global economic growth this year may also be reduced to 0.8%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> United States has adopted policies such as interest rate cuts and tax rebates, if consumer spending to stimulate enterprise and banking sector and restore confidence in the global economy .growth of only 2.8% this year, compared to 2.9% next year. .The report even predicted the U.S. economy plunged by 2.2% last year to a negative 0.2% this year, next year only a slight rebound to 0.2%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> report said: "The current controversy is the extent of how deep the crunch period will be long. The property market continues to test a low ., the credit crisis deepened, the indicators are vaguely see recession will occur. "cited in the report a number of data, strongly suggests that" real estate activities until next year to stabilize. " .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> As for other developed countries, the United Nations estimates Japan's economic growth this year from last year's 2.1% to 0.9%; Western Europe will also be .from 2.6% to 1.1%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> United Nations report said China will be slowdown in exports, continued tightening of monetary policy, RMB appreciation and rising labor costs and other factors .impact. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px align=center> inflation Eastern European countries, was heavily hit </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> .<P style=MARGIN: 0px> despite slowing global economic growth this year, but this year the UN estimated that global inflation will accelerate the growth of 3.7%. .The report notes that the recent surge in commodity prices and rising oil prices is inflationary and the main cause of wage increases. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> is being held in Kiev, Ukraine the EBRD annual meeting also issued a statement saying 18, the current inflation rate in many Eastern European countries .has reached double digits, which is the most pressing issues facing the region. .If not properly deal with the Eastern European countries will face a price - wage increase in the risk of a vicious cycle. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> the bank expects economic growth in Eastern Europe this year from 7.3% in 2007 to 6%. .But by the oil and gas industry to promote the rapid growth of the Russian economic growth this year expected to reach 7%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> EBRD was established in 1991 and headquartered in London. .The bank's role is to help and support to Eastern Europe, Central Europe transformation to a market economy. .</ P>.

United States June consumer credit booms 6.7% pocket money of consumer credit card

United States Federal Reserve Board 7th report published by the United States consumer credit 6 month annualised growth 6.7%, representing yuanda in May the amended 3.8% since November last year, the maximum rate of increase.

Consumer credit reflects the personal consumption expenditures. Personal consumption expenditure accounted for two thirds of the United States gross domestic product (GDP), is the main driver of economic growth. June consumer credit growth is due to the decline in housing NET forcing consumers to use credit cards and other loans for the financing, and coping with rising prices.

Xinhua report, the report shows that used to credit card consumer aspects of working with credit June annualised growth 6.8%, an increase of just under 5 months 7.6%. However, for education, vacations, and buying a car, and other non-working capital-credit June annualised growth 6.6%, an increase of well over 5 months of 1.5%.

United States consumer lending in June amounted to 2.586 trillion. Analysts originally estimated June consumer credit growth 64 billion, but the actual growth of $ 140 million.

The report also shows that in the second quarter of this year, the United States consumer credit annualised growth 4.9%, an increase of slightly lower than the first quarter of amended 5.0%.

United States California bankruptcy countdown

June 25, United States California, the world's eighth largest economies, were forced into bankruptcy countdown 30 days. California Governor Schwarzenegger on 18 June in his speech, if not timely action, California government cash will be held on July 24, depleted, into bankruptcy.

According to media reports, 7/1/2010 fiscal year is California's first day, and up to 240 billion budget deficit has been frightened bond market investors. California's credit rating is in the United States States ranked last, Standard & Poor's recently again will California's credit rating for inclusion in the watch list.

California may be the United States first man to set foot on the bankruptcy of the State Government, but by no means the last one. United States Cato Foundation tax policy research officer Chris · Edwards (Chris Edwards) said, "because of the lack of fiscal discipline and on the United States State Government's financial position are the same, and California is gradually reduced to Banana Republic (means someone who was in serious financial crisis in South American countries), this is very sad. ”

The origin of the California bankruptcy

CARB prisoners may be the only insolvency crisis among the beneficiaries, the "Terminator" Schwarzenegger this time will give them free. Schwarzenegger plans to substantially reduce educational, medical and prison spending to reduce 240 billion budget deficit. If Schwarzenegger's proposal is passed, some prisoners will be released in advance in order to save money for California prisons.

June 18, Schwarzenegger urged people to support his 160 billion financial slimming programme. In June, he had at least in California do around 3 field like public speaking. He intends to cut prison expenditures 7.5 billion, to 5% of civil servants, and to the State of local government borrowing $ 2 billion.

But the Democratic Party in the State legislature is not in favour of Schwarzenegger's "throttle" programme, believes that this will prejudice the interests of vulnerable groups. They proposed the "open source" programme by increasing tobacco and fuel taxes to address the deficit-1 packet of cigarettes taxes on fuel duty rise $ 1.5 9.9%, vehicle registration fee increases to $ 15. They also strongly opposed to the local government loans, and on independent contractor tax 3%.

However, Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger has repeatedly indicated that he will never signed any tax provisions of the Act. Thus, the current California Government and Parliament is in a continual State. California law provides that, even in urgent cases, increases in tax rates must first obtain State Parliament approved by a two-thirds majority.

Currently, California is in fiscal 2009, the last month of the new fiscal year will be begin on 1 July. According to the California government statistics, fiscal 2009 11 months before the fiscal deficit was $ 183.4 billion, and fiscal 2008 compared to the total deficit, inflation by 80%.

Sharp drop in income is the main reason for the deficit expansion. In May this year, the California financial income of $ 54.6, up down nearly 40%. Schwarzenegger said that "California government revenue back to 10 years ago, if inflationary factors, even back to the 1990s. ”

At the same time, California government fiscal 2009 11 months prior to the expenditure of $ 935.2, and fiscal 2008 compared to the total expenditure 1026.8 billion, and there is no sign of reduction. This led directly to the first 11 months of California government debt increased 183.3 billion.

The tax structure is revenue dropped one of the main reasons for the California tax on corporate and personal income tax on excessive. Follow Schwarzenegger's statement is 1% of the rich provides 50% of the tax, and the rich man's relationship with Wall Street wealth than with the California economy much more closely linked. So after the financial crisis, the California revenue dropped.

Edwards considers that California's Government revenue from business cycle impact is very large, long-term solution to the problem of a method is to reduce the income tax, raise the sales tax — tax than income stability.

In addition to the financial crisis led to a sharp decline in the income of the California current financial crisis also originated in the late 20th century produced a structural deficit. 1999 fiscal year, in the Internet bubble to the top, with Silicon Valley California revenue jumped 23%, and the corresponding to Californian dramatic expansion of financial expenditure. But California's fiscal revenue obviously does not maintain such a high growth rate, in the subsequent 10 years, California and not fundamentally reduce spending to overcome the structural deficit, so this time bombs power continues to increase.

United States to the Heritage Foundation's foster (J.D. Foster), opposed to raising taxes, he thought the swingeing cuts in expenditure is the only way out for California. "Members of Congress also live in reverie think they can always continue uncontrolled fiscal policy, but this illusion will eventually be broken because the bond market will refuse to California loan, California will still have to face reality. "Foster said. He had been in the United States White House and the Ministry of finance, budget and tax reform.

The cantons will become a banana Republic

In addition to Alabama, Michigan, Texas and New York, United States, other States and California, 1 July, the threshold of the new fiscal year. According to the United States National Conference of State legislatures to a recent report, the State will face in the new fiscal year for a total of 1210 billion budget deficit, an increase of 20%.

While the United States Governors Federation's report shows that the new fiscal year State personal income tax will shrink 6.6% year-on-year, sales shrink 3.2% enterprise income tax more decline 15.2%. This indicates that in the next few months, there will be more State Government step in California's footsteps, step on the road to bankruptcy.

Then, the United States Federal Government will hand help?

The Obama administration has recently refused to California's government debt financing 55 million guarantee. Foster also said that the United States Department of Treasury has table

Like this does not help California, because once out, it means that it does not need other fiscal self-discipline of State Government.

Moreover, the Federal Government has faced severe deficit problem. As of may of this year, the first 8 months of the fiscal deficit has exceeded $ 9000. According to the United States Congress Budget Committee forecasts, the Federal Government's budget deficit to GDP ratio will double in the next 10 years. Edwards believes that the United States Government expenditures must be reduced. "Over the past 50 years, the United States Government income 20% of GDP, which in future will not change, the problem lies in government spending on the rise. "Edwards said.

He suggested that the United States withdraw the Ministry of education, "before the 1980s, the Federal Government does not have the Ministry of education, educational work entirely by more than 50 States own and now the Federal Government's Ministry of education annually spend $ 80 billion, but the Federal Government is not necessary to interfere with education services. "Foster believes that the Obama administration and the Congress does not have the courage to complete the task of reducing deficit, because this requires considerable political price.

"The Government into the dilemma now is their own responsibility, but to find a will not make anyone angry solution is not possible. "Foster said.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Boeing: all the "dream" to tell Hu Jintao.

<P> "... To maintain the friendship with China mean for the future of the company ... the broader market, for our employees means more stable jobs." Boeing Commercial Airplanes vice president of China sales Luo .Bole to the Morning Post said so. .</ P> <P> 1979, the New China was founded in the first visit of the Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping, then vice prime minister come here; 1993, Jiang Zemin went to Seattle to participate in the APEC meeting has been here. .Now, this is located in Everett, north Seattle Boeing aircraft assembly plant in China will usher in another one of the leaders of the western United States --- the time at 9:50 on April 19 about the United States began a state visit .President Hu Jintao will travel to visit. .</ P> <P> Although the observation of aviation technology has become the practice of Chinese leaders visiting the United States, as host of the Boeing Company did not result in some slack. .The U.S. aviation industry giants are gearing up for President Hu This time the "historic visit" to add more innovative. .</ P> <P> "the theme of the reception activities, President Hu Jintao is to show the history of Boeing and China co-operation, status and development prospects." Boeing Commercial Airplanes vice president of China sales Robert Le (RobertK.Laird .) In an interview with Post reporter, said. .He also stressed that, in addition to old friends "reminisced", the more important is the future. .Post reporter in civil aviation at the Boeing Renton near Seattle to see the headquarters building, the staff is being implemented for the final details of the arrangements. .</ P> <P> show Boeing 787 Dreamliner passenger aircraft into the protagonist </ P> <P> assembly plant in Everett, Boeing used to assemble 747,767 and 777 and other large aircraft parts, and its 35 meters high ., covers an area of 40 hectares of the plant is Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest building volume. .Here, engineers will be shipped worldwide supplier of fuselage, wings, engines and other aircraft components assembled one by one and eventually finished the complete aircraft delivered to the airline's customers. .</ P> <P> huge workshop, from left to right are displayed side by side 2 747,2 767 and 2 of Article 777 of the assembly line, as opposed to six as is the size of a football field .giant openings. .Boeing's guide Sean told reporters that this site is usually open to visitors, but for security reasons, Boeing closed the weekend before President Hu arrived in some sites for security preparations. .Sean said pointing to the right of the two production lines, there are 787 777 and future models of the "birthplace." .It is reported that President Hu's visit is a visit to focus on the right side of the assembly line two 777. .</ P> <P> addition to the existing models, the Boeing President Hu's trip is also expected to open a future of "champion products" --- the mystery of 787 aircraft. .Although the family has not yet come out Zheke Boeing's "star" until next year before starting assembly, but the face of China's huge market and a steady stream of buyers, the Boeing company is eager to take this opportunity to show their high-tech charm. .</ P> <P> "President Hu Jintao will show us some of the most cutting-edge technology embodies 787 key components, such as fuselage, etc., through which the components have not yet officially unveiled about our design philosophy." Laird said. .In fact, the day the exhibition will focus on the core theme of 787. .Chinese delegation visited the 777 assembly plant, and soon will also be used to assemble 787 aircraft. .</ P> <P> to meet President Hu Jintao's visit, especially the mobilization of three Boeing Civil Aviation will use the aircraft delivered to the Chinese finished their "trailer" to stop the court for guests to enjoy. .Including a China Airlines cargo plane, two Hainan Airlines ordered 747. ."Thus, President Hu will be able to see for yourselves (purchase) the outcome of the agreement." Laird said. .</ P> <P> speech for special treatment of Chinese leaders </ P> <P> in the assembly plant not far from beautiful pure white building "Future Flight Center? Futureofflight) starkly. The investment by Boeing .created an interactive exhibition, in fact, designed to demonstrate to visitors the concept of advanced technology and large show field of aviation. April 19 at noon, President Hu Jintao will attend a business here, Qiao Jie who lunch together. .</ P> <P> "Future Flight Center," the staff in which they are preparing to put up a temporary podium. turns 19 before the luncheon, President Hu Boeing arranged here for a Boeing employee for .speech. At that time, President Hu Jintao's speech in the course of 10 minutes, and Boeing employees to achieve face to face. </ P> <P> Laird admitted that, although Boeing has received many distinguished guests from foreign governments to undertake .many important state visit, but few in the Boeing "Future Flight Center," a speech of national leaders, President Hu Jintao was the first one. In 1997, Jiang Zemin visited the United States during the visit to Boeing (Boeing headquarters in Chicago), also had .Staff published a speech. Robert Le ridicule this slightly to that speech is a Boeing program arranged for the Chinese visitors "special treatment". </ P> <P> speech, President Hu will visit the United States passed the first .What information? Laird said with a smile that he hoped "to refer to China and President of Boeing for 34 years of friendship and cooperation", "After all, for many Boeing employees, to listen to China's leaders live presentation is unique, life is difficult .seeking opportunities. ."Laird explained. </ P> <P> cooperation of Boeing people have a more stable job </ P> <P> view of the Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi to lead the trade mission April 12 and Boeing just signed a 80 .large aircraft orders, Boeing during President Hu's visit will no longer sign any concrete agreements. according to Laird's assertion that the two sides will "talk about the prospects for further cooperation in the future, and not disclose the specific agreement". </ P> .<P> airlines Boeing, another senior official told the media had also expressed the hope that President Hu's visit to the atmosphere in a relaxed visit to Boeing. After all, Boeing and the cooperation of China's civil aviation industry, has long sought to eliminate political interference .. </ P> <P> "... to maintain the friendship with China mean for the future of the company ... the broader market, for our employees means more stable jobs. ."Laird said. Boeing airlines maintenance department staff to the Morning Post said, Boeing is stepping up efforts to promote a new plan --- in Shanghai Boeing's new repair and service center. The staff said they want .in the first half of this year, the approval by the relevant departments, in time for the announcement of the 2006 ground-breaking service center. "This will be investing heavily in areas we need," Laird has confidence that the U.S. media, "China .The Government of our current form of cooperation is quite satisfactory. ."</ P> <P> Hu Jintao's April 18 visit </ P> <P> 11:00 arrived in the greater Seattle area north of the U.S. city of Everett (Everett) Payne Airport (PaineField) </ P> .<P> afternoon and Washington State Governor Christine Gregoire met, and then visited the greater Seattle area east of Adelaide Richmond City (Redmond) in the Microsoft headquarters </ P> <P> with Microsoft Chairman at 6:30 pm .Gates, Bill Gates, and a hundred people in the eastern shore of Lake Washington "intelligent luxury" dinner </ P>.

Jing Bao: Fed before the outbreak of the subprime crisis has had an idea!.

<P>: Http://finance. Inquiry, the Federal Open Market Committee announced 27 August 7 meeting showed that Fed officials on the deteriorating financial markets, concerns have increased, if economic growth affected, may .need to take policy action. .</ P> <P> YORK, Aug. 28 reported that the U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (Federal Open Market Committee, referred to as the FOMC) 27 announced the August 7 meeting showed that in the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Federal Reserve, .referred to as the Fed) 8 月 17 日 cut the discount rate which for some time before, Fed officials on the deteriorating financial market conditions are very worried, and the possible need for policy action. .</ P> <P> Fed announced in the above minutes delayed three weeks, said financial market conditions can not rule out the possibility of further deterioration, if growth is affected, Fed may need to take appropriate policy measures. .</ P> <P> However, the Fed policy meeting officials three weeks ago when the financial markets for lack of a comprehensive understanding of the impact, Fed that inflation is still facing the economy, "the first" risk, although the Fed meeting .recognition of the minutes of the decline in the housing market may be more in-depth and lasting. .</ P> <P> Fed officials in the August 7 regular meeting voted unanimously to keep interest rates unchanged at 5.25%, which is the ninth Fed made the decision to keep interest rates unchanged. .The meeting also decided to maintain the position of inflation, despite the downside risks to the statement on the economy has strengthened the wording of the Fed's position that becoming more and more neutral. .</ P> <P> data as of July to the Fed about inflation risks seem greater to support the view. .</ P> <P> second quarter U.S. economic growth by 3.4%, while the increase later this week and may even be revised to 4%. .As at July's data also showed that the economic situation in the third quarter made a good start. .</ P> <P> meeting noted that consumer spending should moderate growth, while business investment will be supported by sound fundamentals, rapid growth of overseas economies will continue to support U.S. economic growth, although the housing market .cause drag. .</ P> <P>, of course, all this is just the original view of Fed. .</ P> <P> in just 10 days after the meeting, for the short-term credit markets to provide the necessary funds, Fed officials in a rare meeting between the two policies will cut the discount rate by 50 basis points to 5.75% .But the Fed has not lowered the cost of financing the wider impact of the federal funds rate. .</ P> <P> announced in the August 17 statement released after the cut in the discount rate, Fed warned that risks of slower economic growth has increased, and no mention of inflation. .This led many Fed watchers speculated that loose Fed monetary policy stance began to shift. .</ P> <P>.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton debate: "we were there must be a White House".

<P> With the Democratic Party candidate John Edwards quit the Democratic Party Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton ushered in the "struggle between two strong" situation. .Local time on January 31, Obama and Hillary Clinton launched a very important debate. .During the debate, Obama and Hillary Clinton on the matter reach a unified point of view: They think they will have a people to become U.S. president. .</ P> <P> Obama and Hillary Clinton in the Jan. 31 debate, the atmosphere relaxed, talking and laughing. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Hillary could become the first woman U.S. president, while Obama may become the first black president. .In the past few weeks, they have been fiercely fighting the campaign, concerned about the contents of the events from health care to race. .Since April last year, since they have already started fighting over 17 debates. .January 31 face to face debate in Hollywood, Los Angeles, is the two in "Super Tuesday" before the final confrontation. ."Super Tuesday" will be held Democratic primaries in 22 states. .However, different from past fiery, mild climate of this debate, the two men. .And this debate has also brought in American history has never been the scene: a woman with a black presidential candidate presidential candidates, "singled out." .</ P> <P> a "friendly festival" </ P> <P> two debates conducted at the famous Kodak Theatre, where the annual Academy Awards ceremony held in February where, but the day is not the main character .film star but the political stars - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. .Movie stars Pierce Brosnan, to Leonardo DiCaprio and other Hollywood stars also attended to listen to the debate. .</ P> <P> Obama and Hillary Clinton went into the debate scene, while waved to those present. .They did not shake hands, as if to avoid embarrassing scenes, followed by the two sat side by side. .British newspaper commented that this is more like a friendly and convivial exchange of political views, rather than tense boxing match. .It was also noted that the scene is this: In the debate begins, in the seated before Obama was a gentleman to swivel around to move around Hillary. .</ P> <P> "We have the opportunity to change history" </ P> <P> as the first two "one on one" debate, Obama and Hillary Clinton try to avoid too much for personal attacks. .Obama said earlier: "before the election, I and Hillary Clinton is a friend; election was over, we can be friends." Hillary Clinton immediately responded to Obama's overtures. .She said: "Look at us, you will say how similar we are. We will change our country." </ P> <P> both believe that the occasion of George W. Bush leaves the White House next year, is the Democratic Party in the White House .time. .Barack Obama Hillary Clinton side said: "We have the opportunity to change history, the historic moment to witness the arrival of the Democratic Party, a historic moment to witness the arrival of the United States. Because I believe that one of us will be the next U.S. .president. "position for Obama, Clinton expressed support. .She said: "In the January 20, 2009, will be the next U.S. president on the steps of the Capitol swearing. I, as a Democrat, sincerely hope that you will see the arrival of the moment. Whether I, or .Obama will raise our hands swear loyalty to the Constitution of the United States. "</ P> <P> two debates calm </ P> <P> newspaper reported the day's debate on comprehensive health plan still can not do without .economic recovery, immigration policy and the Iraqi troops and other issues. .Hillary claims to provide health insurance for all Americans, she criticized Obama's plan may not be protected so that up to 1,500 people; and Obama said that under his plan, any person who wants health insurance can do so ., and its plans to focus on reducing costs. .In this debate, there are large differences between the two immigration. .Obama agreed to not record the driver's license immigration issue, Hillary Clinton was still wavering in this regard. .Views on this issue will affect a large extent how much they will get Hispanic votes. .However, even diametrically opposed views, the two candidates still calmly explained their point of view, and a few weeks ago in the debate, they each accused the other hand refers to the situation different. .</ P> <P> When asked after the end of the two primaries in the Democratic Party will form a "Hillary - Obama" or "Obama - Hillary Clinton" coalition vice presidential campaign, Obama first to answer .said: "Obviously, this very large difference between the two alliances. Clearly Hillary will be the alliance of everyone on the list." </ P> <P> competing to win over Edwards </ P> <P> just newspaper roundup .In the Jan. 30 announced its withdrawal from the Edwards campaign is competing to win over the two men become the "meat and potatoes." .</ P> <P> 1 at the end of a joint investigation revealed that Edwards supporters, 40% said their second choice is Hillary, and another quarter said they support Obama .. .Primaries have been held in the states, John Edwards received 56 representatives of the National Assembly supported by the majority of these representatives can choose to support Obama or Hillary Clinton. .</ P> <P> According to reports, Edwards quit his fundraising team had been disbanded within a few hours, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are actively lobbying the main fund-raising to join their camp. .Clinton campaign chairman, McAuliffe said he was urged Edwards camp, immediately call the staff contact with the Clinton camp. .He said it would spend two days meeting with some lawyers, has to get some support from former Edwards supporters, each of them are likely in the "Super Tuesday" raised $ 100,000 before. .</ P>.

Fed moves again: with 300 million loan.

<P> Federal Reserve will today (Feb. 25) starting again by TAF (TermAuctionFacil-ity, Term Auction Facility) to invest 30 billion U.S. dollars of financial institutions a 28-day short-term loans. .According to information released by the Federal Reserve, the public bidding of the short-term loans 2.81% Minimum purchase interest rate, and in increments of 0.001%; every financial institution the amount of each purchase a minimum of $ 5,000,000 to $ 100,000 increments, .maximum of 30 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, the tender will be held February 25 Beijing time 23:00 start 02:00 am on February 26 ended. .The Fed on Tuesday announced the results of the tender and will be February 28 loans, maturity date is March 27. .This reporter has learned, TAF the Fed issues for the newly created sub-prime lending mechanism, individual financial institutions can guarantee bonds have depreciated to discount vouchers to ease liquidity shortages. .</ P>.

"Tax evasion storm" led to "global wanted".

<P> By the small European country of Liechtenstein bank account list leak caused the "check tax storm" is on countries intensified. .The countries involved in the investigation has expanded from Europe to North America and the Pacific. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, according to German media reports, Bochum, Germany City Procuratorate announced the tax evasion case, the results of the preliminary investigation, involving a total of 150 rich amount should be 200 million tax evasion .euros (3 million) above. .The case was the largest since the establishment of Federal Republic of Germany with the tax evasion case. .</ P> <P> Danish media reported that the Danes have at least 5.5 billion Danish kroner (about 920 million U.S. dollars) in the presence of foreign secret bank accounts. .In Germany said ready to sign with the Danish equivalent to the German judicial agreement to share the information received. .U.S. Treasury under the Internal Revenue Service said it had started "enforcement action" to determine the accounts in Liechtenstein to establish the legality of more than 100 U.S. taxpayers to declare income and pay taxes. .</ P> <P> HM Revenue and Customs has also said the department is coordinating the event the parties concerned to investigate tax evasion. .There is speculation that the British account in Liechtenstein by the amount of tax evasion may be more than 200 million U.S. dollars. .French government to obtain information shows that more than 200 suspected of using Liechtenstein bank of France rich tax evasion. .Australia has also launched a large-scale audit of tax evasion, tax evasion of more than a continuous search of a person's home and office, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd also called on people to observe the state tax law. .New Zealand Inland Revenue Department has also said it has confirmed that people had used Liechtenstein bank tax evasion. .</ P>.

Clear the way for the election completely distanced themselves from McCain and Bush.

<P> U.S. Republican presidential candidate McCain is trying to wipe out the Republican troops win the election barrier. .April 1, said he will not continue Bush's policies, but rather use their own way to serve country. .As a fierce supporter of the Iraq war, the relationship between McCain and Bush is very subtle, but as the campaign progresses, McCain had to distance themselves from Bush. .</ P> <P> the current status of U.S. presidential primaries extreme differences between the two parties, the Republican Party has long been assured by Senator McCain to win, but two strong Democratic Neiaobama and Hillary fight in the short term can not get the results. .Some analysts said before, McCain duel with Hillary and Obama duel than easier. .And has been strongly defended Bush's Iraq policy McCain, no doubt in time more calmly. .He has colleagues in the Senate, accompanied by secret visit to Iraq and visited European countries, the cumulative international prestige, and leaders of other countries for recognition. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, McCain launched five states this week, campaign bus tour, transferred to Virginia, Maryland, Florida and Arizona and other places by bus .all the way to inquire about public opinion and promote their own McCain camp said their initial tactics will lock the key "swing states." .</ P> <P>, AFP reported, McCain said, "The point is, I will not continue Bush's policies, I will continue my own method of service of this country continue to envision my future." McCain .Before the United States and the Democratic Alliance called for close cooperation, continue to bear the responsibility of world leaders. .McCain move is obviously to re-package their foreign policy and tried to make a clean break with Bush. .</ P> <P> 71-year-old McCain has been a fierce supporter of the Iraq war, but the Bush administration's handling of the conflict in the past to the challenges of his campaign, he also acknowledged his own destiny and war in the next 9 to .months associated with the development. .After all, innovative ideas in an age of voters, any of the candidates on behalf of vested interests can easily be abandoned. .</ P> <P> McCain also implicitly criticized the Bush incident in 2001 when the 911 call to the American people did not unite under a common national will. .McCain tried to use the new logic to persuade people to vote for the Republicans. .McCain last week, gives a strong national security policy, he suggested that allies unite against Bush's unilateral policies, emphasizing his support for comprehensive international cooperation to control global warming, and plans to close the Guantanamo prison. .</ P> <P> Monday, McCain also criticized Democratic candidate Barack Obama knew nothing about the basic elements of national security. .Obama has countered that McCain, like Bush, want to be like a permanent garrison in Iraq, he is no clear definition of success. .</ P>.

U.S. twin deficits continue to expand the economy even more worrying.

U.S. Department of Commerce released Thursday, the latest report, while the dollar depreciated weight, but the surge in imports of consumer goods by a car and the impact of an accident in February trade deficit continues to expand, to 62.3 billion U.S. dollars, rose for the second consecutive month, also wrote down .a new high since November. .Meanwhile, the United States during the first half of fiscal 2008 federal deficit rose to a record high, underlining the general economic downturn, is also putting pressure on the budget. .<P> The U.S. trade deficit unexpectedly expanded in February for fear of making the already weak economy more down the line, in the first quarter economic growth has little hope. .Coupled with the rapid expansion of budget deficits, the U.S. "twin deficits" on the road grew farther away, the U.S. dollar the world currency status is bound to be threatened. .</ P> <P> "Business Times" reported that, according to the report, the U.S. trade deficit for February than in February from a revised 58.96 billion U.S. dollars, increased to $ 62,320,000,000, an increase of 5.7%. .The results far exceeded Wall Street forecasts of experts, receive access to Dow Jones news agency economists had expected February trade deficit will shrink to 571 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> U.S. exports in February rose 2% from the 148.38 billion U.S. dollars in January increased to 151.36 billion U.S. dollars. .Greater increase in imports in February was 3.1%, from 207.34 billion U.S. dollars in January expanded to 213.68 billion U.S. dollars. .And as analysts had expected, the value of U.S. crude oil imports declined in February, from 27.09 billion U.S. dollars in January decreased to 24.28 billion U.S. dollars, but the trade deficit does not therefore slow, mainly motor vehicles and cause significant increase in imports of consumer goods. .</ P> <P> February, foreign cars and related parts imports climbed Young 17.8 billion U.S. dollars, clothing, home appliances and other consumer goods imports surged 2.21 billion, as imports of capital goods such as computer accessories are also small Young $ 960,000,000 .. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> The U.S. deficit with its major trading partners, the situation of China's trade deficit from January to 20.31 billion U.S. dollars, narrowed to 18.36 billion U.S. dollars in February; but from a deficit of Japan .months of $ 6,592,000,000, expanded to 6.877 billion U.S. dollars in February; and also from the euro zone trade deficit in January to 51.2 billion U.S. dollars, increased to February 60 billion. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> in the trade deficit at the same time, the U.S. fiscal deficit has also continued to rise. .U.S. Treasury Department said on Thursday the first six months of fiscal 2008, the deficit amounted to 311.4 billion U.S. dollars, representing an increase of 20.5% over the same period last year. .This is also the history, the highest deficit in the first half, broke through the first six months of 2006, the old high of 302 billion U.S. dollars. .Annual budget deficit was estimated at 410 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> the Bush administration in February sent to Congress, the Budget, the estimated annual deficit of 4,100 billion U.S. dollars, very close to a record high of 413 billion U.S. dollars. .But analysts estimate much higher, the U.S. response to the current economic situation, and Congress passed the $ 168,000,000,000 economic stimulus package. .Tax rebate checks will start from next month and sent to 130 million households, hoping to increase consumer spending, to ensure economic downturn if any, should be merely a short and mild. .</ P> <P> Treasury budget report shows the first six months of fiscal 2008 - from October 1 start - revenue of 1.146 trillion U.S. dollars, representing an increase of 2.2% over the same period last year. .Government spending increased 5.7%, to $ 1,457,000,000,000. .</ P>.

Wall Street investment bank hit hard again be worth the hedging instrument.

Just get through the downturn in the performance of the first quarter, the Wall Street investment banking giant will again hit parts of the second quarter may announce a new wave of losses. .The bad news from the real estate investment banking and other securities to offset the loss of hedging instruments. .<P> (Http://finance.) Investment banks on these hedge tools to track real estate securities and leveraged loans, reverse bets market index, it is through this means investment banks over the past year was able to control losses. .But with the collapse of Bear Stearns (now JP Morgan Chase is buying the company), then the market bottomed in mid-March, part of the hedging instrument no longer work began. .Commercial mortgage index (CMBX) and other index briefly rose as high as 50%, while Bank of hedging is obviously a disadvantage of securities gains, and some even fell. .</ P> <P> now, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc's most costly. .Some analysts estimate that write-downs and ineffective hedges against possible for the double loss of 1.5 billion Lehman Brothers -20 billion. .As of the end of the first quarter, Lehman Brothers book holds about 36.1 billion U.S. dollars on the commercial real estate loans and securities, and 17.8 billion U.S. dollars of leveraged loans. .</ P> <P> UBS analyst Glenn last week chaired a meeting Shore, Lehman Brothers chief financial officer Erin Callan said, some companies hedging instruments have become counterproductive or actually .is losing money. .This situation was unimaginable a few months ago. .Karan introduced Road, when the company's hedging about 70% efficiency; This means that the company lost $ 100 on the one hand, hedging instruments can also be recovered in the other 70 dollars. .</ P> <P> Analysts said Morgan Stanley to be affected may be more than Goldman Sachs Group and Merrill Lynch. .Morgan Stanley write-downs in terms of ineffective hedging loss and probably less than half the expected loss of Lehman Brothers. .As of the end of the first quarter, Morgan Stanley holds a 23.5 billion of commercial real estate securities and 159 billion dollars in leveraged loans. .</ P> <P> meeting last week, Morgan Stanley Chief Financial Officer Cole Mukai Harrell declined to the specific loss for the quarter figures. .But he said the company has sold many of the underlying assets are affected. .</ P> <P> Goldman book on commercial real estate assets is very small. .However, it is 270 billion U.S. dollars of leveraged loans, higher than any other competitors, analysts expect Goldman Sachs hedge this portfolio will be a certain loss. .</ P> <P> of course, may also play a role in the hedge, now included in some of the losses may become proceeds. .Even if that happens, a new round of losses on Wall Street does not help rebuild credibility in risk management, although the amount of loss is lower than previous quarters. .</ P>.

Subprime mortgage crisis and then expand the United States five credit unions being dragged into the water

United States-five largest Credit Union has announced a massive mortgage securities carrying losses, this means that the real tired Wednesday has spread to pay most attention to risk avoidance function in the financial field, this also indicates that in the subprime mortgage crisis swept through the commercial banks, securities, investment banks and bond insurers, and other agencies at the same time, there is almost no other financial institutions to immunization.

(http://finance.) According to federal regulatory documents show that the five published mortgage-related losses of the company are the United States Central Federal Credit Union, the Western corporate Federal Credit Union, the members of the joint enterprise Federal Credit Union, Southwest corporate Federal Credit Union and articles of Association of enterprises of the Federal Credit Union.

File display, at the end of may, the United States due to credit market turmoil that five Credit Union announced about 57 billion total carrying amount of the loss. The amount is sufficient to offset their net worth, add them after the total negative equity, total 29 billion, which means that in theory, their debt exceeded the market value of assets.

But five Credit Union said that their balance sheet than surface shows a lot of strong, because the existing accounting rules do not allow them to display a major capital sources — in formal credit Union serves under somebody's banner the transition of the investment fund companies.

According to the Credit Union, the federal supervisory authority – National Credit Union Department stated that, in the mortgage market stability, the related losses are likely to be filled, and agencies in good condition and capital adequacy. But some external observers are worried that the Credit Union underestimated its set foot in the mortgage market depth and severity.

United States Credit Union is a non-profit, cooperative financial institutions owned by its members and management, service, democratic control and management of the Credit Union, for its members to provide a security deposit and a reasonable interest rate to the borrower. According to statistics, as of the end of 1999, the entire US 84 a Credit Union, with more than $ 7750.

How the U.S. economy out of the woods.

<P> Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao," a comment on December 4 article, "How the U.S. economy out of the woods" that the United States to stabilize the financial institutions in the same time, the urgent need to strengthen the investment of financial institutions supervision of financial derivatives. .Face up to its virtual economy and real economy caused serious economic risks, after hanging upside down, reflect on its harm than good model of economic development, licking wounds, while in the clear treatment by doctors scraped the bone to create a healthy economic development to ensure that the financial system. .Meanwhile, the increase in real economic development investment, strengthen research and development, science and technology revolution, leading the world economy. .This is the key to the U.S. economy move out of the woods. .</ P> <P> article summarized as follows: </ P> <P> American scholar Albert Bell has sharply pointed out: "The more capitalist a short-term wealth creators, the more long-term social value will be the destroyer" .. .Recalling the past three decades evolutionary history of the U.S. economy, we find: in the U.S. dollar as the central payment system and the endless financial innovation and support the shield, the great prosperity of the U.S. financial industry to create an astounding wealth of reproduction rate at the same time, .also to economic development should be the most solid foundation of the real economy pushed to the side. .That Wall Street financial oligarchy and the U.S. government's economic officials believe that financial capital alone is sufficient to guide the global economy. .</ P> <P> Originally, the manufacturing sector in the real economy, represented by the proportion of the U.S. economy has been over the financial industry. .However, in economic and financial logic arrangement, the center of U.S. economic activity, production of material goods deviated from, but rather focus on the financial asset management, mobile and value-added up. .Result, the financial services industry represented by the development of much faster than the real economy. .Under the clarion call of financial liberalization, to Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup represented the strength of financial institutions continue to expand, an endless stream of financial derivatives. .At the same time, the United States continue to shift to offshore manufacturing, leading to the U.S. economy greatly increased the degree of virtualization. .Market value of derivative financial products the United States has up to 400 trillion, 28 times the U.S. GDP is the total value of the stock market and real estate 15 times. .Even if that asset quality is generally high, Citibank, in its total assets of 2 trillion U.S. dollars, the table is only 600 billion U.S. dollars of assets, the other over 15,000 billion U.S. dollars in balance sheet assets are CDO and other derivative financial products. .The structure of the assets of Lehman Brothers, the overwhelming majority of high-risk real estate mortgage-backed securities assets. .It now appears that subprime mortgage loans this seemingly ordinary financial derivatives have become the detonating fuse of the U.S. financial crisis, both because the U.S. real estate bubble burst in the mortgage lead is cut off the source of the deterioration of economic growth is expected ., but also because the mathematics of financial derivatives under the support of a Wall Street launched a dazzling financial derivatives, making the risk assessment can not keep up with product development, leading to even more powerful financial institutions, but also increasingly vulnerable. .Moreover, this caused by the loss of financial derivatives is very difficult to find, until finally exposed when, in order to stop the bleeding time is too late. .</ P> <P> visible, both economic and financial of the U.S. economy pushed the clouds, can also become a major force behind the U.S. economy went into hand. .If the virtual economy and real economy severely upside down, even a seemingly very common financial derivatives can also create a financial plague. .In this sense, the financial crisis in time, it should cause the United States on its path of economic development, a thorough reconsideration. .</ P> <P> is well known that the development path of the U.S. economy in the 1980s has been distorted. .Double deficit continues to expand, making the United States must continue to find additional sources of recurrent deficit to ensure that capital account surplus. .Then in the 1990s, the United States to use its hegemony concept of the new economy hype, through the capital market to attract a large number of foreign capital entered the United States. .</ P> <P> With the technology bubble burst and the "9? 11" incident, the U.S. capital markets attract investment function started to diminish. .Under such circumstances, the U.S. government monetary and fiscal policies both. .Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan when he was one continuous substantially lower interest rates, in 2001, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates 11 consecutive times, the federal funds rate fell to its lowest level in 40 years, with the media as saying that "opened the monetary tap." .The Fed released to the market through a lot of liquidity, and ultimately overcome the result of the stock market bubble burst in the market panic. .However, the U.S. real interest rates negative interest rates for several years, the dollar supply exceeds demand in the market, resulting in depreciation of the dollar. .On the other hand, the U.S. government tax cuts in the financial, tax cuts totaling 1.35 trillion U.S. dollars, and to encourage consumption and investment. .These measures to stabilize the market, the U.S. economy avoid a recession. .At the same time, the United States through the real estate market to maintain the upward trend in asset prices, excess liquidity through new lending instruments of the flow of the real estate market. .These measures in creating the surface prosperity of the U.S. economy after the U.S. housing bubble has led to the expansion, and ultimately led to the impact of the global subprime crisis. .</ P> <P> History is a mirror of the best. .Britain was the reason why the world's super powers from the "empire the sun never sets" back to the end of the British Isles occupies a starting point, in addition to the use of excessive force beyond that because the British rulers indulge in the financial industry and prosperity to the neglect of the surface .the real economy. .USA Today is no exception. .Stabilize the U.S. financial institutions at the same time, urgent need to strengthen the investment of financial institutions supervision of financial derivatives. .Face up to its virtual economy and real economy caused serious economic risks, after hanging upside down, reflect on its harm than good model of economic development, licking wounds, while in the clear treatment by doctors scraped the bone to create a healthy economic development to ensure that the financial system. .Meanwhile, the increase in real economic development investment, strengthen research and development, science and technology revolution, leading the world economy. .This is the key to the U.S. economy move out of the woods. .(Zhang Yu you) </ P>.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wal-Mart's bank might face a new abortion bill.

<P> Never been a commercial organization like Wal-Mart industrial bank for concern, and even cause the U.S. political special financial institutions for this new understanding. .</ P> <P> Monday, a co-sponsored by the U.S. bipartisan bill will probably completely ruin the American way commercial companies, banks, financial institutions and to rebuild the barriers between commercial enterprises and its impact comparable to 1956 .years, "Bank Holding Company Act." .</ P> <P> the new bill by the Ohio Republican Congressman Paul Gillmor and Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank jointly, under the Act, commercial enterprises will not be allowed to establish new industrial bank (ILC). .The effect of this bill will be retroactive to June 1, 2006. .</ P> <P> addition to limiting the commercial sector to set up industrial banks, the bill also requires the current needs of the industrial banks in the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up, while the FDIC will be granted more rights, which can be as .The Fed's bank supervision, as supervision of industrial banks. .</ P> <P> Financial Services Committee, U.S. Congress (House Financial Services) will hold a hearing Wednesday. .And as early as last month, 98 members of Congress sent a letter to FDIC had jointly concluded in Congress to persuade them to stop before the application for approval of new commercial banks. .</ P> <P> Although the current United States federal law allowed commercial enterprises involved in banking, but the industry is not banking law in the United States was included in the bank category. .According to FDIC data as of 2004, the United States a total of 59 industrial banks, the total assets of 140 billion U.S. dollars. .It seems unfair for the bank because no bank can have a Wal-Mart or General Motors. .</ P> <P> Gillmor and Frank said that this will lead to commercial enterprises and the blurred boundaries between the banking industry, while ILC itself, there are also problems of inadequate supervision. ."Congress and the FDIC must collaborate to develop legislation to maintain the banking sector and the line between commercial enterprises." Gillmor said in a statement on Monday. .</ P> <P> the entire financial sector program for the new look mixed. .American Bankers Association (ABA) and the American Community Bankers Association (ICBA) endorsed the new program. .American Bankers Association President EdwardYingling even that "commercial enterprises that should not have a bank." .</ P> <P> but the American Financial Services Association (ASFA) has said that industry will be able to help commercial enterprises to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. .</ P> <P> "Eventually, (with Industrial Bank) will mean that consumers can get cheaper prices and more choice." American Financial Services Association Vice President Lynne Strang also said in a statement Monday. .</ P>.

United States tens of thousands of GM workers nationwide strike.

<P>: Http://finance. News, United Auto Workers union (UAW) labor negotiations with the representatives of enterprises, the largest U.S. car manufacturer General Motors, the negotiations between the companies before the deadline without an agreement, GM's .73,000 employees from 24 noon to hold a national strike began. .U.S. media said it was the United States since 1976, caused due to labor negotiations, the first nationwide strike. .According to the Canadian Auto Workers said the strike affected by the United States, Canada, a General Motors production line has been forced to close, and another four will be closed in the next few days. .</ P> <P> GM's last major strike in 1998, when GM production in North America, almost to a standstill. .If the strike lasts too long, it is likely to operate to bring this to the general poor hit. .</ P> <P>】 【contradictions </ P> <P> layoff plans and health insurance fund problems </ P> <P> U.S. Eastern Time at 11:00 on the 24th (GMT 23:00) just after the General Motors Corporation .In the Delta Township plant have more than 1,000 employees out of the workplace, hold high the "UAW strike" strike started the slogan. .</ P> <P> "New York Times" reported that recent negotiations between employers and employees the principal contradiction in the work focused on the protection of employees and employee health insurance fund problems. .GM is currently underway until the 2008 plan to lay off 2 million people, while the union is opposed to cuts in order to maintain stable employment, the negotiations eventually broke down. .</ P> <P> GM has been promoting the establishment of a "voluntary employee benefits association" (VEBA) trust fund, responsible for serving and retired employees and their families to provide medical insurance. .In this way, GM can not guarantee to its retired employees health care expenditure obligations of 51 billion U.S. dollars transferred to the trust fund. .U.S. media reported that nearly 339,000 existing GM retirees and their spouses. .</ P> <P> last week, although both sides have already reached a framework agreement establishing the Trust Fund, but is difficult to bridge their differences on the details of the agreement, such as General should ask how much money the trust fund, and so on. .</ P> <P> UAW strike the main 席罗恩格特尔 Finger told the media after the deadline, employees of job security issue is one of the main points of disagreement, he held between employers and employees complained about a "one-sided ."negotiations..格特尔芬格 said that the Federation will continue to strive for employee benefits. .</ P> <P> "negotiations have been along the direction of GM, but at the expense of the cost of staff," 格特尔芬格 said, "when the company faced a deadline if it did not care." </ .P> <P> 丹弗洛雷斯 after GM spokesman expressed regret for the strike and said the two sides will continue to seek to resolve the problem. .</ P> <P> 【Background】 </ P> <P> strike last 2.2 billion loss </ P> <P> is unclear whether both sides will compromise future negotiations, but the two sides .the situation seems to have the strike are well prepared to work. .</ P> <P> "New York Times" reported that, UAW now has nearly 9 billion dollars a strike fund. .Federation of the car if the employees are on strike, UAW will have to pay them 200 dollars per person per week to cover the strike caused economic losses to employees. .This means, UAW can afford a strike that lasted more than two months. .</ P> <P> According to U.S. media quoted the National Automobile Dealers Association chief economist Paul Taylor as saying that while the company's staff held a nationwide general strike, but GM still has a reserve of 65 days of the finished car, .enough to withstand a short strike. .</ P> <P> However, Taylor believes that even if the auto companies can support more than two months time, the cut-off situation, the economic losses caused by the strike is also very high for the company. .For example, GM's UAW workers in 1998 through the strike, the only two GM parts plant's strike gave the company 54 days caused loss of 2.2 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> "In my opinion, we have no party won the negotiations," GM has been working 31 years for the employees participating in the strike, said, "come to this point, it is too bad .a. "</ P> <P>.

American consumers tightening purse continued weakness of economic fear.

<P> U.S. consumer spending last month, an increase of the smallest since last June, Jan. 26 in the week ended also the first time jobless claims surge by 6.9 million to 37.5 million, the highest since a record level since early October, and .Since the September 2005 record the largest increase since, that the economy may continue to weaken. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. The American people face the moment of falling house prices, shares fell, oil prices and increased lending standards, a series hit, had to tighten the purse. .U.S. consumer spending accounts for 70% share of economic output, a significant reduction in the expenditure of hard to turn around the inevitable drag on the U.S. economy. .The weak job market, reduced consumer spending Gengrang, forming a vicious circle. .In order to boost the spending power of the people, the Federal Reserve (Fed) continued to reduce interest rates, the Government is discussing the public release of the 111 million tax rebate checks. .However, these measures may bear fruit slowly. .</ P> <P> 31, the U.S. Commerce Department announced last month, consumer spending rose 0.2%, and 11 months of an increase of 1%. .Interview Bloomberg News economist adjusted median growth estimate of 0.1%. .Consumer spending rose 5.5% in 2007, an increase over the past 4 years minimum. .</ P> <P> report showed that personal income in December rose 0.5% in November last year, revenues increased 0.4%. .Bloomberg's visit to transfer the results that rise economists expected value of 0.4%. .Personal consumption expenditures price index for the first 3 months rose 0.2%. .</ P> <P> In addition, the same day the U.S. Labor Department said initial claims for unemployment benefits last week, the number of Jan to 27-month high, more than expected. .Increase in the number 69000 to 375000. .Analysts expected initial jobless claims last week rose to 32 million people is. .</ P> <P> week before the initial jobless claims were revised to increase to 30.6 million in 6000, the original release is reduced to 30.1 million in 1000. .Over the past four weeks, the average increase in initial jobless claims to 325,750 people 10,250 people. .January 19 in the week ended, the total number of U.S. unemployment benefits rose by 4.7 million to 272 million. .</ P> <P> released the report, the Beijing night 9:54,10 31-year U.S. Treasuries yield 3.62% from 30 down to 3.58%. .S & P 500 index futures fell 1.3% reported to 1333.70 points. .</ P>.

United States is now "cold" the.

<P> Tired by the subprime mortgage crisis, the last 3 months last year, U.S. economic growth was slowing, negative 26 again came the bad news trend. .Which house price index, last December, more than 20 cities in the U.S. housing price index decreased by 9.1% a year earlier, higher than economists had expected 8.2% decline. .The slump in house prices, consumer confidence is low when no reduction in the momentum of U.S. inflation, prices continued to rise. .</ P> <P> ■ Inflation momentum ferocious </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, house prices in the doldrums this is a sign of economic slowdown, but released the same day, the price index has shown, U.S. goods .prices continued to rise, inflation ferocious momentum. .</ P> <P> U.S. Labor Department released data show that in January, the U.S. wholesale price index (PPI) rose 1%. .The index represents the prices do not include consumption tax and sales costs. .Over the past 12 months, the U.S. wholesale price index rose 7.4% in October 1981 was the biggest increase since. .</ P> <P> food and energy price inflation in the United States the "culprit." .This year in January, the U.S. Food prices rose 1.7%, 8.3% higher than last year; energy prices rose 1.5%, 22.6% higher than the same period last year. .</ P> <P> is worth noting that even excluding food and energy price factors, the United States in January this year, still higher than last year's commodity price index rose 2.3% last month by 2%. .Inflation that the U.S. inflation severe. .United States, "Business Week" on the 26th reported: "inflation figures increasingly reflect the change in overall economic impact from prescription drugs, soap, disinfectant, platinum and gold jewelry to the wide range of commodity prices." </ P> <P> United States .housing slump, inflation data raises concerns, because it may indicate a recession and inflation, stagflation phenomenon occurs in parallel. .</ P> <P> ■ recession and inflation parallel </ P> <P> Typically, economic growth would increase inflation overheating, causing price increases; the other hand, the economic slowdown could act as a "cooling" effect, ease inflation .pressure. .Current trends show the U.S. economy is different from the above two cases. .Last summer, the subprime mortgage crisis, U.S. economic growth slowed down significantly. .26's housing price index fell, the unemployment rate and the recent downturn in consumer confidence and signs of further evidence to go higher, the U.S. economic slowdown has become a trend. .On the U.S. economic situation, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said: "We are slowing." Although the U.S. economic slowdown, inflation, the situation has not improved, 26 reported the wholesale commodity price index can be proved. .Data show that the current U.S. economic slowdown and inflation in parallel exists. .70s in the 20th century, the U.S. economy and the similar but more extreme cases, is what economists call "stagflation." .26, after the release of economic data, the U.S. economy into stagflation once again become a hot topic. .United States, "Business Week" reported the same day entitled "looks like stagflation ... ...." .U.S. economic and financial information company, "economic decision-making company," chief economist Yilunsainai said: "Compared with the 70's, I'd say only considered mild form of stagflation, but still the same 'animal'." </ P .> <P> ■ dilemma at the macro-control </ P> <P> the current situation that the U.S. economy in a macro-control dilemma. .</ P> <P> the one hand, the recent slow growth of the U.S. economy nearly stalled, but to stimulate economic development in the macro-control inflation, the situation could deteriorate. .On the other hand, if the implementation of tight fiscal policy, although able to alleviate inflationary pressures, but not conducive to stimulating economic growth. .</ P> <P> U.S. Federal Reserve Board in particular now face daunting challenges. .U.S. financial Web site senior financial analyst Greg McBride said: "The Fed is now busy 'front door' occupied by the economic slowdown, it appears that inflation has crept into the 'back door'." < ./ P> <P> last summer subprime mortgage crisis, the Fed has repeatedly macro-control measures taken since last September has been its benchmark interest rate from 5.25% to the current 3%. .</ P> <P> Many analysts believe the Fed is unlikely to solve the economic slowdown and inflation, while the two issues. .Global financial research firm Economist Brian Betty satisfied that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke can not be "two-war." .He believes that the most urgent task is to promote economic growth rather than inflation. .He said: "This is the will to fight battles, you can later fight against inflation." Market expectations in the March 18 Fed meeting may again cut rates. .</ P> <P> ■ is "like a bad cold" </ P> <P> Some analysts believe that the short term can not conclude that the U.S. economy, the stagflation of the prophecy is just unfounded. .</ P> <P> Morgan Stanley economist Richard Berner believes that the continuing weakness of the U.S. economy, inflationary pressures will gradually dissipate sooner or later. .He said: "I believe that with rising costs, the company earnings will be affected soon, but is unlikely to pass to consumers." </ P> <P> Richard, chief economist at Argus Research, Lung Amazon .is that, despite the poor performance of real estate and financial sector, the overall U.S. economy is not in recession, inflation is more worthy of concern. .For example, he said that the U.S. agriculture has signs of overheating. .Over the past 12 months, the United States eggs, macaroni and agricultural wholesale price index rose 60.1%, 30.4% and 2%. .</ P> <P> Associated Press reported that the era of stagflation and 70 double-digit inflation rate when compared to the current U.S. inflation and unemployment data indicators still optimistic. .In 1975, the U.S. unemployment rate up to 8.5%, while the unemployment rate is now 4.6%. .</ P> <P> economist Bettina global financial research firm, said that if that stagflation is a serious illness, and that the present situation the United States "like a bad cold." .</ P>.

U.S. stocks down financial stocks were particularly bleak.

<P> U.S. stocks ended sharply lower Thursday, as investors in the credit and mortgage market worries; Annaly Capital Management, Washington Mutual and the Swiss Bank (UBS) down, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (Wal-Mart Stores) and H & .; R Block is against the market trend. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, Dow Jones Industrial Average index closed down 214.60 points to 12,040.39 points, down 1.75%; Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 29.36 points to 1304.34 points, down 2.2 .%; the Nasdaq composite index fell 52.31 points to 2220.50 points, down 2.3%. .</ P> <P> steadily throughout the day today, the stock market lower on news that Carlyle Group (Carlyle Group) unit of Carlyle Capital and Thornburg Mortgage failed to meet margin requirements. .The news also dragged down other financial stocks, the stock of such a heavy blow. .</ P> <P> ads Wells Capital Management's chief investment strategist at James • Paulson (James Paulsen) said the weakness in financial stocks was the catalyst behind the bank will write down people's concerns more assets, If so ., the credit crunch will worsen; today is really worried about the stock market decline caused economic reports released this week doing quite well. .</ P> <P> mortgage-related shares were hit. .Thornburg Mortgage and a subsidiary of The Carlyle Group said they failed to meet the residential mortgage-backed securities related to additional margin requirements. .Banking, mortgage lending financial institutions, particularly mortgage real estate investment trust (REIT) suffered heavy losses. .Annaly Capital Management fell $ 3.47, to $ 15.81, down 18%. .</ P> <P> government-sponsored mortgage finance agencies Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae, referred to as: Fannie Mae) or $ 2.57, to $ 21.70, down 11%. .Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Federal Home Loan Mortage Corporation, Freddie Mac) or $ 1.50, to $ 20.14, down 6.9%. .</ P> <P> other financial stocks were also weak. .CIT Group tumbled $ 4.50, to $ 15.86, down 22%. .Keefe, Bruyette & Woods said, CIT Group could not be diminished in mind a large number of private student loan portfolio assets and the company expected first-quarter earnings per share down from 76 cents to 8 cents. .</ P> <P> Swiss Bank fell $ 1.31, to $ 29.52, down 4%, due to market concerns about the bank again, the more massive write-downs of assets related to U.S. housing loans. .</ P> <P> Merrill Lynch (Merrill Lynch) lost $ 3.46, to $ 45.86, down 7%. .The company on Thursday said it has more than 20 billion dollars of revenue options liquidity instruments (LYON) related articles were amended to increase the conversion rate of 17%. .Merrill Lynch said the bill would increase the redemption date for two days, respectively, September 13, 2010 and March 13, 2014; holders may require Merrill Lynch will redeem the notes. .</ P> <P> Washington Mutual fell $ 1.04, to $ 11.76, down 8.1%. .Bear Stearns (Bear Stearns) Washington Mutual analysts cut profit forecasts. .Bear Stearns also lowered its National City, Wells Fargo (Wells Fargo) and SunTrust Banks of the fiscal year earnings forecasts. .National City fell 62 cents to $ 14.52, down 4.1%. .Wells Fargo fell $ 1.15, to $ 27.83, down 4%. .SunTrust fell $ 2.20, to $ 54.23, down 3.9%. .</ P> <P> H & R Block rose 59 cents to $ 17.83, or 3.4%. .The company's third-quarter loss narrowed. .</ P> <P> retailers report monthly sales release has also been a concern. .As Wal-Mart Stores Inc. in February same-store sales strong growth over the same period by 2.6%, an increase of 1.1% more than previously expected, thus the stock as the Dow Jones stock index on Thursday only a rising stock. .The stock rose 43 cents to $ 49.98, or 0.9%. .</ P>.

Fed: U.S. economy will likely continue to deteriorate.

U.S. stocks ended lower on Tuesday, mainly because Alcoa (Alcoa) decline in the fiscal first quarter earnings, Advanced Micro Devices (Advanced Micro Devices) is lower than analysts expected income expectations, the U.S. February existing home sales index also contracted the weak .Fed announcement with the contents of the last meeting showed the central bank officials expect the economy could deteriorate, which increased investor worries about the economy, science and technology shares leading the decline; market will usher in the next few weeks, a large number of performance reports. .<P 0px> Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 35.99 points to 12,576.44 points, down 0.29%; and a few days ago compared to relatively small fluctuations. .Day trading range of only 81.50 points, which is the lowest level this year. .Standard & Poor's 500 Index fell 7 points to 1,365.54 points, down 0.51%. .The Nasdaq composite index fell 16.07 points to 2348.76 points, down 0.68%. .</ P> <P> Fed meeting on March 18, the sharp interest rate cuts of 0.75 PCT, on Tuesday announced the contents of that meeting shows that many central bankers that the economy could be "serious long-term decline." .Analysts said the recession synonymous with the wording. .But it is worth noting that not all central bank officials hold this view, Dallas and Philadelphia Fed will cut the total branch against the aggressive rate cut. .</ P> <P> In addition, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress last week that while he still expected the economy to grow further in the first half, but it also exists the possibility of recession. .</ P> <P> Other analysts said the modest decline in the stock market on Tuesday, reflecting the stock market over the past few weeks, has already had some improvement. .The stock market showed resilience, seems intent on higher. .But if earnings bad news, the stock market is still easy to fall. .</ P> <P> "The Wall Street Journal" reported, Washington Mutual had cut dividends, and expected loss than expected, which gives pressure on financial stocks. .Washington Mutual fell $ 1.34, to $ 11.81, down 10.2%. .The company had also said that once again 3.5 billion provision for loan loss provisions, and closed 186 home loan centers nationwide. .</ P> <P> PNC Wealth Management Bill Stone, chief investment strategist, said the accounting treatment of financial companies are special to other industries, such expenditures included the impact of operating profit for the financial companies will not like so much. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) View of the upcoming bank earnings have been overshadowed by negative sentiment, many Wall Street investors have turned their attention to other areas, hoping to obtain information about the economy and the credit crunch .of the latest information. .</ P> <P> Birinyi Associates, said Cleve Rueckert, research analyst, investor focus will shift to other companies, especially industrial and energy companies, then we can really see the subprime mortgage and credit crisis more .the impact of the wider economy. .</ P> <P> late Monday, Alcoa first-quarter profits in the case of higher aluminum prices are still down 54%, by energy and environmental costs and the impact of a weaker dollar. .Alcoa fell 26 cents Tuesday to $ 37.18, down 0.7%. .</ P> <P> technology stocks leading the decline on Tuesday, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. fell 31 cents, to $ 6.03, or 4.9%, to 6.03 dollars. .The chip maker announced that it will lay off 10%, and the expected first-quarter revenue below Wall Street's lowered expectations. .</ P> <P> Advanced Micro Devices, the company's top rival Intel (Intel) closed down 67 cents to $ 21.08, down 3.1%. .</ P> <P> Stone said, long ago people thought that Advanced Micro Devices and Intel are good prospects, it is clear now the situation has not the same. .</ P> <P> Apple (Apple) fell $ 3.05, to $ 152.84, down 2%. .Prior to Morgan Keegan will be Apple's rating from the line and down to underperform the broader market. .Morgan Keegan said the downgrade one of the reasons is that more and more evidence that the United States and Europe in general decline in consumer technology spending. .</ P> <P> 2 January home sales data, while far from bad, but also help the stock market once off session lows, but the data still did not meet market expectations. .National Association of Realtors (National Association of Realtors), announced in February pending home sales index fell 1.9% last month. .Affected by the report, housing construction stocks there plunged, Lennar fell $ 1.81, to $ 20, down 8.3%. .KB Home fell $ 1.33, to $ 26.01, down 4.9%. .Pulte Homes fell 92 cents to $ 14.94, down 5.8%. .</ P>.

Fed: Subprime crisis far from over.

<P> Subprime ills to cure, U.S. and European governments have launched a number of financial reform, but the Fed believes these measures are a move to remedy the situation, and can not prevent the spread of the subprime mortgage crisis continues, the world will once again usher in the biggest since the Great Depression era .shock. .<P> (Http://finance.) Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn and many other senior officials in the seven-nation summit on Sunday, said that current troubles far from over. .Kohn said, "The market is still in a period of adjustment, the bubble has not completely precipitated the current financial environment remains fragile. At present the work we can do is try to keep the financial system more flexible, through the absorption of liquidity will eliminate the adverse effects .invisible, while enhancing market transparency if the effect will be better. "<P> Seven finance ministers also said that their current measures can not prevent the spread of crises in the future. .Regulators can mitigate future impact of the financial market crisis, but can not stop the crisis. .Because it is difficult to have a mechanism to the birth of the beginning of the crisis can accurately judge them. .However, in seven countries <P> summit, finance ministers and bankers have agreed to launch a 100-day timetable for reform scheme, the bank losses were measured, and the banks involved in the transaction of non-current .the case of sub-prime mortgage bonds for publication. .</ P>.

Ignore the economic downturn remains clear that the Federal Reserve cut interest rates no longer.

Fed officials have recently seemed to have reached a tacit agreement, clearly expressed in external speech can not stand further interest rate cuts, which the central bank interest rate policy over the past liked to play with words rather than on direct that the attitude of different. .<P> (Http://finance.) Fed Governor Warsh (Kevin Warsh) last week, announced that the economy will weaken further if the Fed should cut interest rates again the voice said no. .Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn (Donald Kohn) and Yellen, president of San Francisco Federal Branch (Janet Yellen) also said that the existing level of interest rates "appropriate." .</ P> <P> they are in the clear Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues released a message last month that the Fed two years of the most radical rate cut cycle may be close to the end. .This wave of rate cut cycle started in September last year after spending several months in the U.S. economy began to show results. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> but that does not suffer from real estate, credit and financial market crisis hit the U.S. economy from the bottom to Tough Questions. .By business and labor market situation and short-term economic outlook worsening pessimism increased impact, economic council by the April consumer confidence index of 62.8 (as amended) fell to 57.2 in May, the highest in October 1992 (54.6 .) has been low. .This means that consumers will continue to cut spending to cope with economic slowdown. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Nevertheless, the Fed still want to cut interest rates under its drastic tax cuts coupled with government programs, be available in the next .half of the revitalization of the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> energy, food and other commodity prices continued to rise, fueling inflation and slow economic concerns warming, and further interest rate cuts may make the situation worse. .In fact, the Fed last cut interest rates in April to say "some reluctance", when two members for fear of the Fed decision to cut interest rates against inflation. .</ P> <P> Many economists believe that the next Fed meeting on June 24-25 in decision-making meetings, to keep interest rates unchanged at four-year low of 2 PCT. .</ P> <P> Cohen said, to keep interest rates at this level, should help improve the economy and employment and reduce inflation. .Aquino Golden Gate University School of Business Dean Connelly said, the Fed cut interest rates again to promote its position do not want to be wise. .</ P>.