Saturday, May 7, 2011

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton debate: "we were there must be a White House".

<P> With the Democratic Party candidate John Edwards quit the Democratic Party Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton ushered in the "struggle between two strong" situation. .Local time on January 31, Obama and Hillary Clinton launched a very important debate. .During the debate, Obama and Hillary Clinton on the matter reach a unified point of view: They think they will have a people to become U.S. president. .</ P> <P> Obama and Hillary Clinton in the Jan. 31 debate, the atmosphere relaxed, talking and laughing. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Hillary could become the first woman U.S. president, while Obama may become the first black president. .In the past few weeks, they have been fiercely fighting the campaign, concerned about the contents of the events from health care to race. .Since April last year, since they have already started fighting over 17 debates. .January 31 face to face debate in Hollywood, Los Angeles, is the two in "Super Tuesday" before the final confrontation. ."Super Tuesday" will be held Democratic primaries in 22 states. .However, different from past fiery, mild climate of this debate, the two men. .And this debate has also brought in American history has never been the scene: a woman with a black presidential candidate presidential candidates, "singled out." .</ P> <P> a "friendly festival" </ P> <P> two debates conducted at the famous Kodak Theatre, where the annual Academy Awards ceremony held in February where, but the day is not the main character .film star but the political stars - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. .Movie stars Pierce Brosnan, to Leonardo DiCaprio and other Hollywood stars also attended to listen to the debate. .</ P> <P> Obama and Hillary Clinton went into the debate scene, while waved to those present. .They did not shake hands, as if to avoid embarrassing scenes, followed by the two sat side by side. .British newspaper commented that this is more like a friendly and convivial exchange of political views, rather than tense boxing match. .It was also noted that the scene is this: In the debate begins, in the seated before Obama was a gentleman to swivel around to move around Hillary. .</ P> <P> "We have the opportunity to change history" </ P> <P> as the first two "one on one" debate, Obama and Hillary Clinton try to avoid too much for personal attacks. .Obama said earlier: "before the election, I and Hillary Clinton is a friend; election was over, we can be friends." Hillary Clinton immediately responded to Obama's overtures. .She said: "Look at us, you will say how similar we are. We will change our country." </ P> <P> both believe that the occasion of George W. Bush leaves the White House next year, is the Democratic Party in the White House .time. .Barack Obama Hillary Clinton side said: "We have the opportunity to change history, the historic moment to witness the arrival of the Democratic Party, a historic moment to witness the arrival of the United States. Because I believe that one of us will be the next U.S. .president. "position for Obama, Clinton expressed support. .She said: "In the January 20, 2009, will be the next U.S. president on the steps of the Capitol swearing. I, as a Democrat, sincerely hope that you will see the arrival of the moment. Whether I, or .Obama will raise our hands swear loyalty to the Constitution of the United States. "</ P> <P> two debates calm </ P> <P> newspaper reported the day's debate on comprehensive health plan still can not do without .economic recovery, immigration policy and the Iraqi troops and other issues. .Hillary claims to provide health insurance for all Americans, she criticized Obama's plan may not be protected so that up to 1,500 people; and Obama said that under his plan, any person who wants health insurance can do so ., and its plans to focus on reducing costs. .In this debate, there are large differences between the two immigration. .Obama agreed to not record the driver's license immigration issue, Hillary Clinton was still wavering in this regard. .Views on this issue will affect a large extent how much they will get Hispanic votes. .However, even diametrically opposed views, the two candidates still calmly explained their point of view, and a few weeks ago in the debate, they each accused the other hand refers to the situation different. .</ P> <P> When asked after the end of the two primaries in the Democratic Party will form a "Hillary - Obama" or "Obama - Hillary Clinton" coalition vice presidential campaign, Obama first to answer .said: "Obviously, this very large difference between the two alliances. Clearly Hillary will be the alliance of everyone on the list." </ P> <P> competing to win over Edwards </ P> <P> just newspaper roundup .In the Jan. 30 announced its withdrawal from the Edwards campaign is competing to win over the two men become the "meat and potatoes." .</ P> <P> 1 at the end of a joint investigation revealed that Edwards supporters, 40% said their second choice is Hillary, and another quarter said they support Obama .. .Primaries have been held in the states, John Edwards received 56 representatives of the National Assembly supported by the majority of these representatives can choose to support Obama or Hillary Clinton. .</ P> <P> According to reports, Edwards quit his fundraising team had been disbanded within a few hours, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are actively lobbying the main fund-raising to join their camp. .Clinton campaign chairman, McAuliffe said he was urged Edwards camp, immediately call the staff contact with the Clinton camp. .He said it would spend two days meeting with some lawyers, has to get some support from former Edwards supporters, each of them are likely in the "Super Tuesday" raised $ 100,000 before. .</ P>.

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