Friday, May 20, 2011

Congress increased economic growth forecast to 1.9%.

<P> According to the U.S. Congressional Budget Office's latest forecast, supported by fiscal and monetary policy stimulus, the U.S. real economic growth in 2008 is expected to reach 1.9%, higher than its previous forecast of 1.7%. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, Congressional Budget Office that President Bush has signed a package of economic stimulus bill, coupled with the Fed continued to cut interest rates recently, to a certain extent, inhibit the economic situation continued to deteriorate. .The agency also predicted that U.S. economic growth in 2009 will reach 2.3%. .</ P> <P> Congressional Budget Director Peter aure Zagreb in a note to the U.S. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad said in a letter, even though the Congressional Budget Office forecasts that the U.S. economic slowdown and .not serious enough to meet the definition of a recession, but the risk of recession is still on the rise. .As economic growth continues to be housing, financial market issues and problems of high oil prices, economic activity will be restricted for some time. .</ P> <P> to avoid recession, President Bush signed a total of 13 of about 168 billion U.S. dollars of the package of economic stimulus bill; the Federal Reserve since last September has been steadily lowered interest rates, the cumulative decrease of 2.25 percentage points .. .</ P>.

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