Thursday, January 19, 2012

Obama is not timely to clarify the controversial poll race fall.

<P> U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on race issues to dodge a few days later, choose to directly face 18, first published in a speech on racial issues, trying to break away from his former pastor Wright controversy arising. .The latest Gallup poll released 18 shows, this does not save the public opinion down the momentum of Obama, Obama's rival Hillary Clinton has been leading the second consecutive day, and gradually widened the gap. .</ P> <P> not timely to clarify the controversial poll race down </ P> <P> Gallup analysis of recent polls Obama down, to be published with the controversial Wright speech, Obama did not clarify the time .. .Obama was 18, against the United States addressed issues of race, urged the U.S. not to escape racial discrimination does exist and not equity. .We should be open, to face challenges, solve problems, to the U.S. as the perfect union. .Obama's remarks can not save declining poll, 19 we can see some results. .</ P> <P> Central News Agency reported that polls show Clinton leading Obama 47% currently to 44%. .Leading to increase the gap by one percentage point more than 17. .If the Democrats win the nomination by Obama, McCain leading Obama 46% will be 44%. .If the duel between Clinton and McCain, then they will be 46% of the draw. .</ P> <P> more about the national election poll was conducted from 13 to 17 were interviewed 4,388 registered voters, sampling error plus or minus two percentage points. .For the Democratic primary poll was conducted from 15 to 17 were interviewed 1,237 Democratic Party and the pro-Democratic voters, sampling error plus or minus three percentage points. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> to save the election ton output capacity </ P> <P> </ P> <P> recent Wright sermons, to boldly speak out "911" since the terrorist attacks on the United States .looking for; Hillary does not know black people as human beings are not feeling so amazing speech. .Wright's speech last week by the You Tube widespread, the Clinton camp, wait, declined comment. .Public opinion is very negative reaction. .Obama low-key response to the first, and intends to cut and Wright, hoping to defuse the crisis time, no material has also led to the black community's dissatisfaction, and white society is that he was half-hearted. .Obama is not a person into both sides. .</ P> <P> decline for two consecutive days in the polls, but Hillary and McCain have been exceeded, Obama only to find that can not dodge, decided to cut the Gordian knot, will we open play from the election has been to avoid collision .touch the sensitive issues of race, spread out for the clearly speak directly see. .</ P> <P> Obama reiterated his 18th of Reverend Wright's inflammatory remarks about race relations in the condemnation, but he also said he would not abandon the Reverend Wright, as he would not abandon their family members. .Although Obama's speech a bold and risky, but it is a speech he had to do. .</ P> <P> race relations in the speech, Obama denounced Reverend Wright called America the unique "white supremacy" of the racist point of view is distorted, and he also explained these ideas .origin, that is, the history of racial inequality in the U.S.. .</ P> <P> But Obama said he could not abandon the Reverend Wright either, can not abandon his fellow black community or his white relatives. .Barack Obama in a speech without any publicity banners and slogans, he would like to focus emphasized the presidential campaign has gone beyond the issue of race. .But he admitted that the issue of race in the election campaign has become a divisive force. .</ P> <P> Obama said: "I believe race is the United States now can not be ignored. If we simplify the problem of race, induction of, the negative impact of the expansion that it distorts reality, and if .In that case, we made the same mistake and Reverend Wright. "</ P> <P> Obama's speech was published at a critical moment an important speech, because the U.S. presidential candidates are often accused of evading .difficult issues, and this problem will be Barack Obama in the White House has an important effect. .</ P> <P> Obama and Hillary Clinton the next competition is April 22 primary in Pennsylvania. .The new poll shows Hillary Clinton to overcome Barack Obama continued to lead the party places on the situation, she is currently 12 points ahead in Pennsylvania. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> 66-year-old Wright is Obama attended the church's former pastor in Chicago. .He is not only twenty years ago to guide the field of Christian initiation into Obama spiritual mentor, Obama is also a couple of witnesses, but also for Barack Obama hosted two daughters baptized. .</ P>.

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