Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Fed injected 200 billion surge in the Dow crashed 400 points.

<P> The 11th Federal Reserve announced a joint Europe, Canada and several central banks to the financial system, injection of billions of dollars, New York, crashed three major stock indexes rose. .The Dow Jones industrial average soared 416.66. .</ P> <P> day, the Dow back on the thousand mark, the S & P five hundred, and the Nasdaq composite index also ushered in the biggest gain in nearly five years to the day. .The former rose 47.28 to close at 1320.65; which closed at 2255.76, or almost four per cent. .Dow and S & P index rose five hundred in 3.5% or more. .</ P> <P> several major central banks injected joint news of Wall Street's highly encouraging. .Benefit from the financial sector swept past the largest decline, an increase of 4.8 percent. .The largest U.S. housing finance agencies Fannie Mae and another residential mortgage lender Freddie Mac shares were up eleven percent and twelve percent. .Citigroup, the largest U.S. bank shares also rose 9.1 percent rare. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Inquiry, the Federal Reserve's decision is the most active market as the recent bailout measures. .And analysts generally believe that the Fed will be held this month on the 18th meeting of rational policy of cutting interest rates again. .</ P> <P> "If the Fed can not create additional pressure on the dollar exchange rate situation, stabilize the credit markets, then they won." Analyst Ted? Obo House said. .Fed rate cut decision is bound to make the U.S. dollar against major currencies parity continue to decline, prompting dollar-denominated crude oil and other commodity prices soaring, which may increase the risk of inflation. .</ P> <P> It is reported that the Fed United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland, the European Central Bank, to lend primary dealers up to two hundred billion U.S. dollars of government bonds, loan period for twenty eight days, both the relaxation of the transaction .Business conditions for direct financing from banks, but also expand the Federal Reserve and other central banks in foreign exchange swap plan. .</ P> <P> with Wall Street investors that the Fed's moves have a major impact on the market, but the market short term can not get rid of the shadow of the credit crisis. ."Only when the turn for the better in the credit problems, be possible to stabilize the market." Analyst Mike? Dalda said. .</ P>.

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