Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The global "financial flu pandemic," the world dragged down the U.S. Crisis.

<P> "It is time to stop the depreciation of the dollar." For the United States to use against the dollar, etc. Let the world from the financial crisis in the United States pay the bill, the British "Times" 17 days of such complaints. .Although the stock market in 18 countries in the world join forces to rescue the market and the Federal Reserve Bank will continue to be stabilized under the expected interest rate cut, but the Federal Reserve and central banks one after another extraordinary "fire" action, kept it for this financial crisis is sweeping the whole .concerned about the world, the United States to stabilize its economy and let the dollar continue to "free fall", leaving national concern and dissatisfaction. .Geneva International Institute economist Ross VIP in the British "Financial Times" said the author criticized the U.S. for the U.S. dollar continuing to decline, but Americans do not care about the performance was reminiscent of the last century the world had the U.S. Treasury Secretary Connally .that famous phrase: "the dollar is our currency, your problem." .</ P> <P> the world suffer from "financial flu pandemic?" .</ P> <P> 18, Agence France-Presse reported concerns about the global economic insecurity is leading to deterioration of the world's financial markets, with the fifth-largest U.S. investment bank Bear Stearns crisis and the Fed continues to cut interest rates this week .expected, this deterioration is being spread to more areas. ."The New York Times" reported that 18, 17, the world's financial markets experienced "the most volatile day." .From London, Paris to Frankfurt, the European main stock index fell 4%. .In Asia, Hong Kong's Hang Seng index fell 5.2%, Japan's Nikkei index fell 3.7%. .Even the economy is the rapid development of China and India are two developing countries, the stock market plummeted Monday. .</ P> <P> 18, reported Reuters, the Fed will be held 18 local monetary policy meeting, the outside world predicted the Fed might cut rates 100 basis points again. .In this expectation, 18, Asian stock markets have stabilized. .However, the international community is increasingly concerned about the crisis. .According to Reuters, many economists believe the Fed may cut interest rates faster falling dollar will only increase the world's "sense of crisis." .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, International Monetary Fund (IMF), president of Kahn, 17, warned that the deteriorating global financial market crisis, but also increasing the risk of spread of the crisis. .Kahn said, IMF may reduce in the next few weeks, including the U.S., global economic growth forecasts. .On the same day, the organization's director for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Singh also warned that the global credit crisis could turn into a global "financial flu pandemic." .</ P> <P> U.S. crisis dragged the world </ P> <P> for this from the scope of the crisis in the United States, the German "Bild" 18, said before the "U.S. economy sneezes, the world economy must be cold ."Now I am afraid that the U.S. economy had" serious infectious pneumonia. " .With the subprime mortgage crisis spread to other areas, the United States will usher in recession, the global economy is not immune. .</ P> <P> by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, Korean financial markets into a panic state. .South Korean presidential office held an emergency high-level meeting from 18 to discuss financial issues. .South Korean media said President Lee Myung-bak to bed each day, look at the recent CNN, to understand the latest developments in the U.S. economy. .Lee also said the day before, the Korean economy faced a "Since the 70s of last century's greatest crisis." .South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo," 18, said the Korean economy has been the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis and the resulting high oil prices and other unfavorable factors surrounding that will make South Korea's economic growth target of 6% to naught .. .</ P> <P> Reuters reported that China's two sessions of concern under the sun curtain 18. .How to outside the United States subprime mortgage crisis, there are under the dual pressure of inflation and maintain stable and rapid development of China's economy will undoubtedly become the new government faces the biggest challenge. .Reported that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told a press conference, with the recent U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, caused by depreciation of the dollar, a few cuts, high oil prices, has reached 110 dollars per barrel, which is also the world's stock markets .a great impact. .He said the world economy, especially the United States is very concerned about the economy, and deeply worried. .</ P> <P>.

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