Friday, February 10, 2012

U.S. election canvassing anti-free trade to demonize China.

Whenever the United States ushered in a presidential campaign <P>, China will always be a target gun. .This time is no exception. .To March 4 in the campaign to secure the support of blue-collar, Hillary and Obama throw invariably anti-free trade point of view, even China, "demonized." .</ P> <P> they have the safety of Chinese products unwarranted charges, are mentioned in Chinese-made toys and toxic pet food recall incident. .In contrast, Obama step further, he accused the Clinton administration in 2000 and established permanent normal trade relations with China at the expense of the safety standards. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, Hillary Clinton in Renminbi exchange rate issue as a shelling target. .Her speech in Washington, said: "President Bush's policies to the Chinese government has simply become a U.S. banker. Today, China's iron and steel were shipped to the United States, the United States is the loss of jobs. When the United States behave, China .but in manipulating their exchange rates. "</ P> <P> analysts believe that, although both candidates are trying to fight to increase voter support for China, but no matter who is elected president, took office soon after the softening of its position immediately .. .For example, in 1992 Clinton presidential campaign accused the Bush condoned the "butchers of Beijing", China is only in his assistance in 2000 for permanent normal trade status. .</ P>.

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