Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pressure from the Obama camp: Hillary or Potui election.

Democratic U.S. presidential election primaries <P> 4 will start in 4 states. .</ P> <P> Democratic candidate Barack Obama's supporters continue to put pressure on rival Hillary Clinton, saying that if the primaries can not be made the day a clear advantage, then it should be declared for president .election. .</ P> <P> want to leave, you must win over </ P> <P> 4-day pre-selected areas, including Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island and Vermont. .Both Obama and Hillary Clinton in Ohio since 1 began canvassing for himself. .According to an Associated Press count, Clinton currently Mr Obama has sent down 109 seats to the Democratic National Convention. .The 4-day pre-selection will determine the fate of 444 seats. .</ P> <P> Massachusetts Senator John Kerry and Dick Durbin, the Senate Democratic number two man support Obama, they pointed out that Hillary Clinton if the 4 primaries in poor performance, then .should choose to exit. .Kerry said: "Hillary Clinton must be clear in Texas and Ohio the victory, just not enough to win. If she wants to reduce (and Obama) the gap to be a landslide victory." </ P .> <P> According http://finance. hearing, Durbin also noted that if the primaries after 4 no substantive changes, then Hillary must be in the next primaries "significant number of representatives." .He said: "I hope she (Hillary) can effectively assess the probability of the nomination, to unite the Democratic Party to make reasonable decisions." </ P> <P> Hillary camp, lack of confidence </ P> <P> in .11 games losing streak, the Clinton campaign has publicly admitted that Hillary Clinton must win Ohio or Texas. .If Hillary to win the party nomination, then she must be in Texas and Ohio to a wide gap over Obama. .The current poll shows Hillary Clinton a slight edge in Ohio, but two well-matched in Texas. .Relatively small in the other two states, Hillary dominated in Rhode Island, Vermont, Obama is leading. .</ P> <P> the face of the Obama camp's "provocation", Clinton obviously limitations. .Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson 2, a speech, not specifically mentioned, once lost in the 4th primaries, Hillary will opt out. .But Wolfson is Hillary trying to "cheer," said Hillary Clinton has demonstrated the ability to win these primaries, the Republican candidate will be "more powerful opponent." .</ P> <P> if Hillary in the primaries 4, won a great victory to stay in the nomination battle, she will be April 22 Pennsylvania primaries again to the challenge. .</ P>.

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